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E3 2010 Mini-Preview: New Trailers For ‘Force Unleashed 2,’ ‘Fallout: New Vegas,’ ‘Killzone 3’ & More!
The Movie God   |  @   |  

This approaching week is easily the most exciting of the year for any fans of video games. It’s the week that the annual E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) gaming convention is held, and it’s where all game developers and publishers like to make their biggest announcements and show off the newest trailers and gameplay footage from upcoming titles.

Just like last year’s convention (Read: E3 Convention Recap Madness: Microsoft, Sony & Nintendo’s Plans For The Future Of Gaming! ), we expect lots and lots of exciting stuff to be presented this year, especially considering the unique advantage we get of watching most of the convention thanks to G4 TV’s coverage. Now we just need the same access to Comic Con every year!

To help us get excited for what we’re going to get at E3 2010, aired a very special show that revealed some new videos from highly-anticipated upcoming game titles. This was just an appetizer to our eyes but filling it surely was, and now you can go and check the videos out if you missed them.

Click on over to check out some of the great new video game trailers and gameplay footage to help you to catch that E3 buzz!

Already we’ve seen an awesome cinematic trailer for the long-awaited Deus Ex: Human Revolution this past week, and the old-school style trailer for the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World video game, but here’s a bunch more for your viewing pleasure.

These of course are just a few videos to help get happy for E3; it’s by no means the only exciting things to look for. Games like Fable III, Gears of War 3, and other major titles are also set to unveil drool-inducing treasures, and we’ll have a nice big recap set for you at the end of the convention!

If you’d rather watch the whole hour-long special, you can head to Game Trailers for part one. If not, a few of the best ones are here to see.


The first video we have is a new cinematic trailer for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. The first game had fanboys and gamers excited right from the start with the promise of full ability to wield the powers of the Force. The game itself was a little weak in story and other areas, but using your abilities to levitate, shock, and throw enemies all over the place AND through the most realistic wood, glass, and metal materials we’ve seen helped it to never get boring.

This time around, the controls are sure to be even better and we can always expect improvements in all of the other areas that may have been lacking. In this new trailer, the story is set up, and it looks really, really bad-ass.


Fallout 3 was one of the greatest overall games ever made. An action role-playing game with a huge open-world map in a post-apocalyptic Washington D.C. allowed you about as much as you could want in a game. The ability to immerse yourself in that world and story instead of just controlling someone else in their world, as well as the ability to just walk around, explore, and do as you wish are the top reasons why the action RPG is the king of games these days.

Instead of waiting around, Bethesda Softworks (who developed Fallout 3) contracted Obsidian Entertainment to get to work on the next title, Fallout: New Vegas. Obsidian has team members who worked on Fallout 2, and they basically got to combine their knowledge of the Wastelands and the great gameplay blueprints that Bethesda laid out.

So far we’ve seen a teaser trailer, images, and the reveal of a Collector’s Edition and pre-order specials, but no gameplay…until now. Finally, a trailer showing off the good stuff has been unveiled, and you can see it here.

If you played the last game, you won’t see anything too different here. All looks to be about the same visually, just with a new setting and story. The setting of course being lovely post-apocalyptic Las Vegas, which will give us the chance to do lots and lots of gambling.


I’m personally not familiar with the Killzone franchise, but these games get folks excited, and the delivery of the first gameplay trailer for Killzone 3 is sure to get fans Christmas-morning happy.

Being someone who really seeks out realistic first-person shooter action, the gun-play here never really wowed me. But withing a few moments, this trailer shows off some other fun stuff like point-blank stabbing a neck snap here and there. Maybe I should give it a whirl, eh?

Exclusive to the PlayStation 3, Killzone 3 also has another big selling point that’s sure to make a splash at this year’s E3: 3D! That’s right, Sony has a slew of games already being set up to utilize the 3D technology on Sony’s new line of TVs. Though 3D is a little over-used in movies, I’m excited to see how it works and how it plays out with video games. If anything, that’s the perfect medium to use it, and when we perfect 3D or even 4D gaming, it’s going to be an incredible time to be a gamer.


Here’s a title many probably haven’t even heard of before. To be honest I had never heard of it either, but it caught my eye enough to share it here.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned is related to the Disney ride and movie franchise in title, but the game itself does not share anything with them. This is a completely original pirate adventure, and better yet, it’s an action RPG.

As I said above, action RPGs are the best games you can play because they allow you everything you want from action to story to an open world to roam, and this doesn’t appear to be any different. Armada of the Damned allows you to be your very own pirate, choose whether to do good or build up your evil reputation, as well as the ability to choose your own crews. You’ll be able to go to known pirate towns like Tortuga, and the world and oceans are supposedly free to roam.

I can’t promise that this will be a good game — there are some things that look a little shaky — but it does look and sound to have a lot of promise. I can’t even tell you how much I would give to get an open-world action RPG pirate adventure from a studio like Bethesda (and we did sort of get one in Fable II, which had a lot of pirate elements to it) but for now, I have hopes this game will be a lot of fun.

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