Since its existence first came to be known, Clerks, Mallrats, and Dogma director Kevin Smith‘s turn from comedy to horror, Red State, has been a popular topic.
At first, the script for the movie was said to be so incredibly messed up that no studios wanted anything to do with it, but eventually we found out that someone was willing to take a fitting leap of faith on it, and since then Smith has been setting his cast and filing the movie.
Now comes the very first trailer…of sorts. It’s really more of a preview — one step below a teaser trailer — but shows enough to be well worth your time. It’s not an understatement to say you’ll likely be shocked at how the movie looks. This is so insanely far from anything we’ve ever seen Kevin Smith do, you can’t help but want to see more, no matter what your feelings toward his other films may be.
You can see the preview trailer for Red State now by clicking on over to the other side!
Red State begins by following three horny high-school boys who come across an online ad from an older woman looking for a gang bang. Boys being boys, they hit the road to satisfy their libidinal urges. But what begins as a fantasy takes a dark turn as they come face-to-face with a terrifying “holy” force with a fatal agenda.
Instead of relying on archetypes and predictable formulas, Smith meticulously fashions all-too-real characters, utilizing exceptional performances (notably by Michael Parks) and an intelligent script. His realistic style gives the film an intimate feeling, heightening the terror to biblical proportions. Red State is a shocking new kind of horror film that aggressively confronts higher powers and extreme doctrines with a vengeance.
Preview Trailer
[Source: Smodcast via /Film]
“It’s not an understatement to say you’ll likely be shocked at how the movie looks. This is so insanely far from anything we’ve ever seen Kevin Smith do, you can’t help but want to see more, no matter what your feelings toward his other films may be.”
I originally expected something to be different with the look i.e. way it was filmed vs. the truth which is this movie looks just like any other horror movie/trailer/preview.
Nothing special to see here, move along folks.
Comment by Brian M. Frain — December 24, 2010 @ 1:54 am
You obviously misunderstood (or missed) “This is so insanely far from anything we’ve ever seen Kevin Smith do”. I’m sure nobody else got the impression that it had anything to do with the way it was filmed. Stop being “that guy” on the internet.
Comment by Anon — December 24, 2010 @ 6:42 am
Normally I have a cynical attitude like Brian Frain up there, but I have been waiting for Red State to be made and obviously a preview before the film comes out. THIS is that preview.
Might seem like typical horror to some, but this is NOTHING like your average Kevin Smith film.
It’s a pretty chilling preview and everything I was hoping for. March cannot come soon enough. I’ll be glad when it does.
Comment by Brian — December 24, 2010 @ 10:16 am
What impressed me about the filming of this movie was that he cut and edited the film as he shot it. So at the wrap party he was able to show the entire cast and crew the completed film….not many directors have the balls to do something like that so I think its pretty darn cool.
He had to be quick on the editing front to submit it to Sundance, which it was accepted and will make its premier there in January.
You hear the standard internet fanboys going on about Smith selling out and flopping recently, but the for people that like his movies….they LIKE his movies.
Comment by Cody — December 25, 2010 @ 5:34 am