Patrick Troughton Era Creature Returns In ‘Doctor Who’ Series 6
By cGt2099
Thursday, March 10th, 2011 at 12:13 pm
As we move closer to the first episode of of Doctor Who Series 6, there are more tidbits of information coming out about this year’s season — including returning villains (and the tools at their disposal) and surprising guest stars that are returning from Series 5. The following information could be considered a tad on the spoilery side — so consider to have been alerted!
First off, as the spoiler-hounds have known for some time now, the Cybermen will be returning in Series 6, but what makes things interesting is who and what will also be in the episode.
James Corden who played Craig Owens in the Series 5 episode, “The Lodger,” is returning in a guest role in what is believed to be the 12th episode of the new season. He is reprising his role from last year, and in some spoilery photos posted over at Blastr, both he and The Doctor are examining what seems to be a Cybermat!!
Now, some of the “Nu Who” fans have never heard of these little thingamajigs, so here’s a little Cybermat 101 for you. A Cybermat is essentially an advance guard used by Cybermen for recon or for the spreading of disease. They vary in size and have a silverfish-like appearance. These little critters were first seen during the era of Patrick Troughton‘s Second Doctor in the episodes “The Tomb of the Cybermen” and “The Wheel in Space.”
On a side note, I cannot help but mention that “The Wheel in Space” also introduced my favorite companion, Zoe Herriot (hubba hubba) portrayed by Wendy Padbury.
For those who’ve never seen the Cybermats before, I’ve included a video below from the Classic Doctor Who episodes so you can check it out (The Cybermat appears during the last 2 minutes). But bear in mind, these Cybermat props were made and used over 40 years ago, so don’t expect the effects to blow your mind. Consider it a bit of a history lesson in the universe of Doctor Who.
The Blastr report about Corden and the Cybermats also discusses Matt Smith‘s “new” costume for Series 6. In a lot of ways, it isn’t really a new costume, but more of a slight variation of his outfit from Series 5. He’s still the same old Doctor, and bow ties, of course, are still cool.
The article also has some unconfirmed rumors and spy reports, which you can check out over there, but the most important points to take from all of this are the confirmed tidbits: James Corden is returning, and after a long absence so are the Cybermats!
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