By Cinemumra
Monday, December 5th, 2011 at 9:00 pm
Well, there goes all the steam out of that engine.
Vulture is reporting that actor Benicio Del Toro has decided to skip out on the upcoming J.J. Abrams film, Star Trek 2, after being attached to the sequel for what seems like months now.
Rumor had it that the role in store for the actor would have been the role of Khan, but now it seems as though Abrams and crew are back to square one, looking for the man they deem right for the role of this upcoming project’s villain. The outlet also reports that the villain will be Khan for this film.
Personally, I find this news to be really upsetting. Del Toro is one of my favorite actors, and would have made for a pretty entertaining Khan. Overall, my hopes are still somewhat high for this film, despite my apathy towards the first one, and the entire franchise as a whole. However, with a great villain, this sucker may in fact be something special.
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