Pretty much every year, comic book publishers unleash a monthly event comic to boost excitement and sales in their comics. And this week Marvel Comics announced that event as The Avengers vs. The X-Men.
Now, I’m not quite sure how, but more on that later. Avengers Vs. X-Men will be a bi-weekly, six-month comic coming in at a total of 12 issues and features some of the biggest names in comics. Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron, Jonathan Hickman, and Matt Fraction will all be on writing duties, while John Romita Jr., Olivier Coipel, and Adam Kubert will be working on art.
Now, to me this all sounds very 52-ish in the approach where there’s a set of Marvel’s “architects” creating an immense bi-weekly story. And it’s definitely immense. Clearly this is an event that will encompass most, if not all, Marvel comics that will be publishing during that time period. It’s a matter of simple deduction considering the fact that all of Marvel’s top writers are on this event on this one.
While I do give a lot of flack to comic book companies and their annual events because they always boast that their event will be the biggest event of all time and that things will never ever be the same. I mean, seriously look at the official site and the description for the event, “The biggest comic book event in history begins in Avengers VS X-Men #1,” it says it right there. The way these things are described are almost a parody of themselves, you know? And while I seriously doubt the credibility of the statement, this really does seem pretty freaking big. Think about it, it’s the two biggest teams from Marvel, arguably across all publishers, fighting each other until the bitter end. That’s a pretty big pumpkin to carve, if you ask me. And as uninterested as I typically am in event comics, Marvel’s got me scratching my head.
At this moment, there are few details available about the series and how it begins and where it will end with the exception of the obvious, but on their official site, Marvel does provide a bit of a clue on what we might just see.
You’ve heard It’s Coming””and this April the War Is Here in AVENGERS VS X-MEN #1! All your favorite super heroes enter””and only one team will emerge victorious!
That’s right… cage match.
See the entire promo image by Jim Cheung here below.

You’re right about the constant boasting but you know, that’s just marketing hype. This seems like some goid ‘ol tights n’ fights fun so whatever the marketing is I’ll still be checking it out.
Comment by Cinegeek — December 7, 2011 @ 10:41 am
This could be awesome! I’m excited!
Comment by Will — December 7, 2011 @ 11:34 am
What side is Wolverine on?!?!!?
Comment by Rodolfo Valdes-Castaneda — December 7, 2011 @ 11:36 am