Welcome Geeks of Doom readers! The Drill Down is a roundtable-style audio podcast where we discuss the most important issues of the week, in tech and on the web and how they affect us all. You can find all our previous episodes here.
This week, TDD regulars Andrew Sorcini, Dwayne De Freitas, and Christopher Burnor discuss Fortune reporter Adam Lashinsky‘s Apple exposé, Inside Apple: How America’s Most Admired – and Secretive – Company Really Works, and whether the production of Apple products could ever come back to the United States. Later, we discuss Facebook‘s $5 BN IPO launch.
But first, the headlines: We discuss podcast hosting service Mevio dropping most free users without notice, Next-gen XBox specs, Netflix regains most of their lost subscribers, Warner Bros. further penalizes Netflix users, Twitter allows governments to censor tweets as needed, and President Obama hangs out on Google Plus.
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