![Oz: The Great and Powerful 02 Oz: The Great and Powerful 02]()
Sam Raimi will take audiences to the land of Oz once more with Oz: The Great and Powerful, the prequel to The Wizard of Oz. The film reunites Raimi with his Spider-Man trilogy star James Franco, who plays Oscar Diggs, a sideshow magician who lifts off in a hot air balloon with dreams of making it big only to get caught in a storm and crash land in the mystical other world. Earlier this year we saw a trailer and a panel for the film at Comic-Con.
But before Disney can release a new trailer for the film, the studio has released a slew of new images that are sure to whet your Oz appetite. Check them out below.
These new images come courtesy from the people over at USA Today. Though a lot of the images and the info in the article have already been detailed in the first trailer, Raimi talks about the premise of the film and what it means for Franco’s character.
[Franco’s character Oscar Diggs] is mistaken for Oz the Great and Powerful, destined to be the next king of Emerald City. But he’s only to receive that title if he can defeat the Wicked Witch.
That isn’t too much to go on. Perhaps we will see more of Emerald City and a better look at the Wicked Witch herself in action – check out her character poster here – when the new trailer hits the web later this week. Oz: The Great and Powerful opens in theaters on March 8, 2013.
[Source: USA Today]
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