D23 Expo: Lucasfilm Offers No New Details On ‘Star Wars: Episode VII’
By Brett Nachman
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Saturday, August 10th, 2013 at 5:45 pm
Attendees at today’s D23 Expo in Anaheim, CA, were shocked and disappointed to discover that Disney and Lucasfilm had no new details to share regarding their highly anticipated Star Wars sequel, Star Wars: Episode VII (hence, I’m sorry to have to pass this disappointment on to you, dear readers).
The lengthy live-action presentation today at the main hall of the Expo, which included panels for other properties like Marvel’s Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and Disney’s Maleficent, began this morning with the Lucasfilm panel. Immediately, it was announced that there were no additional details to be revealed on the forthcoming seventh episode of the franchise, apparently getting that bummer out of the way early. (I suspect Lucasfilm would have concluded the day’s presentation had breaking news been planned.)
Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn discussed his longtime relationship with Kathleen Kennedy of Lucasfilm. Horn then talked about his experiences after seeing Star Wars when it first debuted in 1977. He told a story about being pulled over by a policeman for driving over 80 MPH. The policeman asked why. “I have to get to lightspeed,” Horn replied. The naive policeman did not understand the reference.
Horn shared that they are working on the previously announced standalone Star Wars films, and described J.J. Abrams, the director of Episode VII, as a “gifted filmmaker.” Unfortunately, Abrams did not appear. Horn talked about Michael Arndt’s involvement, as well as John Williams returning to create the score.
“I wish I could tell you more, but there are dark forces, and they are watching,” Horn joked. Then Darth Vader’s image appeared on the screen, perhaps suggesting we would be teased with something. Not really, though.
The crowd collectively sighed with disappointment.
As Yoda said, “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” Well, this famous phrase could be used with some irony after today’s presentation.
Regardless, I understand that they could not provide substantial details at this point in the process, but it felt extremely lacking. Even a little nugget could have worked.
Star Wars: Episode VII is scheduled for a 2015 release in theaters.
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