Marvel Previews is a monthly catalog from Marvel Comics that “previews” all of the publisher’s upcoming releases and offers synopses for current and upcoming storylines. In the magazine, you can get a look at upcoming artwork and covers too (that is, if you didn’t already see the art right here at GoD).
Now, Marvel has announced that the magazine is going to be available as part of their Marvel Digital Comics app on tablets and other mobile devices starting November 6, 2013. Fans will be able to get the digital magazine from Marvel.com also when they redeem a digital code from a printed comic book they have purchased.
Starting with print comics on-sale November 6th, you will receive a FREE digital copy of the Marvel Previews catalog when you redeem any digital comic redemption code on Marvel.com. Don’t have a digital redemption code? Don’t worry – you’ll find your FREE digital copy of the Marvel Previews catalog in the FREE section of the Marvel Comics app as well!
“The goal is to aid comic shops, retailers and fans.” says Marvel’s SVP of Publishing David Gabriel. “By putting information about new print products and collected editions in the hands of our growing digital customer base, we can inform those customers about the great Marvel products available at their local retailers!”
The November 6th magazine will still be available in print at local comic book retailers three months prior to the date on each cover as they have always been.
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