Lacrosse 14 is a video game that Carlo Sunseri is hoping to create. Sunseri is the CEO of Crosse Studios, a Pittsburgh, PA based gaming company that specializes in the development of lacrosse video games””specifically NLL Lacrosse and College Lacrosse. Sunseri is also a former lacrosse player, as well as a current Division I coach at his Alma Mater: Robert Morris University, so this man knows his lacrosse.
In conjunction with Big Ant Studios, Sunseri has set up a Kickstarter campaign to help get Lacrosse 14 created for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC platforms. And if funding is achieved, Lacrosse 14 is primed to be a never-before-seen simulation of the game of lacrosse, chock full of features including multiple games modes like, quick game, online multiplayer, and dynasty mode, as well as a lacrosse academy to edit players and teams.

Big Ant Studios, based out of Australia, is set to provide the game engine for Lacrosse 14, which will be similar to the engine currently used in their Rugby games, which include Rugby League Live, and AFL Live (Australian Football League).
As of this writing, the Kickstarter campaign has already collected 585 backers and nearly $39,000 (I personally backed the project for $45). But it still has a long way to go. I trust that the team of Sunseri and Big Ant Studios are capable of making possibly the greatest lacrosse game to date. I cannot wait to play it, and I urge you to kick in a few bucks so we can help make this happen.
Kickstarter Video
Lacrosse History, with Video!
I got into Lacrosse big-time over the last few years. It is an awesome, fast-paced sport, full of hard hits and high scoring. It combines lots of other sports I enjoy (American Football, Ice Hockey, and Rugby) into one.
Often referred to by some as a “˜niche’ sport, Lacrosse saw explosive growth between 2001 and 2010. According to U.S. Lacrosse, the number of players had tripled by the end of the decade. Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (SGMA) conducted an in-depth study in 2011 and found that lacrosse was the fastest-growing sport. Over the last decade, according to the study, “participation is up 218.1 percent.” Unlike football, lacrosse is popular among men and women alike.
Awesome article. Backed the project with $199. Spreading the word!
Comment by Guest — October 23, 2013 @ 6:03 pm
I’m really looking forward to this! Thank you for sharing this with your fan base, Geeks of Doom. I just pledged as well, and I’m going to share this with as many people as possible.
Comment by Jameel Young — October 23, 2013 @ 6:04 pm