In February 2014, DC Comics will be bringing the increasingly popular sci-fi subgenre, steampunk, to their New 52 lineup in the form of variant covers. The covers will span their most popular titles from Action Comics and Batman to Justice League and Wonder Woman. A collection of artists including Dave Johnson and Klaus Janson will be providing the covers.
The covers will feature all the trademarks of steampunk, which is a sci-fi subgenre that is generally set in an alternate Victorian era where steam and clockwork have become the predominant technology. These covers feature it all – from dirigibles and steam-powered machines to cog-driven robots and brass button covered apparel. So, so many brass buttons!
You can check out the full list of comics getting these variant covers and their artists below, along with previews of the covers.
New 52 Steampunk Variant Covers:
Action Comics #28 variant by Dave Johnson
Aquaman #28 variant by Richard Horle
Batgirl #28 variant by J.G. Jones
Batman #28 variant by Howard Chaykin
Batwoman #28 variant by Dave Johnson
Batman / Superman #8 variant by Tommy Lee Edwards
Batman and Two-Face #28 variant by Matteo Scalera
Detective Comics #28 variant by Klaus Janson
Earth-2 #20 variant by Dan Panosian
Flash #28 variant by Howard Chaykin
Green Lantern: The New Guardians #28 variant by Klaus Janson
Green Lantern Corps #28 variant by Howard Chaykin
Justice League #28 variant by Dan Panosian
Justice League Dark #28 variant by Tommy Lee Edwards
Justice League of America #12 variant by Matteo Scalera
Nightwing #28 variant by Tommy Lee Edwards
Superman #28 variant by Dave Johnson
Superman / Wonder Woman #5 variant by Dan Panosian
Teen Titans #28 variant by Jason Pearson
Wonder Woman #28 variant by J.G. Jones
[Source: Hitfix / Comic Book Resources]
Wasn’t Harley Quinn #3 given the “Steampunk variant” treatment, too?
Comment by bulova — September 5, 2014 @ 12:58 pm