Teacher Threatens To Spoil ‘Game Of Thrones’ If Students Misbehave
By Pfeff-Bot
Thursday, March 27th, 2014 at 10:00 am
Do you ever wonder how teachers manage to command the respect of especially rowdy students? We all know that multitudes of tactics have been tested, but a Belgian math teacher may just be the winner of life after coming up with a most devious plan last week.
After being unable to calm his students down, the teacher asked if his pupils watched the HBO Drama Game of Thrones and promptly found out that most were fans. The teacher then responded, “Well, I’ve read all the books. If there is too much noise, I will write the names of the dead on the board.” Continuing, he said, “They are enough to fill the whole year and I can even describe how they die.”
Some students mistakenly decided not to take the threat seriously, and their instructor immediately wrote an upcoming death on the board. At that point, all became silent and attentive.
Although the name of the teacher was not included in the story, a student did report the events on a French website, admitting that, “my math teacher is a genius.” The veracity of the story may not be 100% confirmed, but we are 100% impressed with this excellent and hilarious idea.
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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