From the post-credit scene in The Avengers, we knew that Thanos was the one who gave Loki the tools he needed to try to rule Earth. Of course, all did not go as planned, but based on the that tease alone, challenging the Avengers would mean Thanos would be able to court his true love, Death, or at least the physical embodiment of Death. But the plan was to use Thanos in upcoming films, leading up to him being a villain in an Avengers film of his own.
When it was confirmed that Thanos won’t be in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, we immediately knew that he was going to be a villain in Avengers 3. At first we thought The Avengers would mean the last time we would see Thanos, but James Gunn then revealed that the character would appear as a villain in Guardians of the Galaxy – although it is not as big as Ronan the Accuser. And for a long time we didn’t know who would play him, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said he has already cast.
Now a new rumor has surfaced revealing who will be playing as the Mad Titan. Hit the jump to read all about who is rumored to play Thanos.
Latino Review’s latest scoop is that Josh Brolin has been tapped to play Thanos in Guardians Of The Galaxy. For a little background on the character, Thanos is a member of the Eternals, an elite race of alien beings with incredible powers that surpass the likes of super-powered humans. In an attempt to court Mistress Death, the Mad Titan destroys half of the life in the universe by collecting the six Infinity Gems (which had the powers to control and manipulate Time, Space, Reality, Soul, Intelligence, and Power) and using it to create the Infinity Gauntlet.
Again the casting for now is just a rumor, which won’t be confirmed until Marvel Studios makes a statement, but LR has a good track record this this type of information. Marvel says they have the character cast already, but has kept who will be playing him a secret. We don’t even know the extent of the character’s role in Guardians. It could be a non-speaking smirk like in The Avengers, or it could be a small speaking role.
[Source Latino Review]
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