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Disney In Depth: 8 Awesome Disney Flash Mob Videos
Brett Nachman   |  @   |  

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The Oxford Dictionary defines a flash mob as “a large public gathering at which people perform an unusual or seemingly random act and then disperse.” While these acts seemed to be all the rage a few years ago, they still remain popular for their originality and entertainment value. Disney enters the picture when you consider how many individuals set their YouTube flash mob videos to Disney music – or, in some cases, within the Disney parks themselves.

Here are eight awesome flash mob videos that will make you want to get on your feet and join in!

Belmont University Disney Flashmob!

Welcome to Spring Pancake Night at Belmont University, complete with flapjacks… and students dancing to Disney ditties? The Belmont Flashmobbers performed a sensational routine of crowd-pleasing pieces from the Disney songbook in their cafeteria. YouTube user Natalie Bell (who plays a great Elsa here) brings to us this video, more than six minutes long, and worth watching every second. What better lyrics to commence the flash mob than the opening lines of “Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast? This is the epitome of a well-organized flash mob in that it gradually incorporates more and more individuals, possesses some truly talented singers, and is a ball to watch. There are too many “best parts” to mention, but I had to laugh when student Sam Stalker, dressed as Gaston, started chanting his self-flattering number. Luke Selker’s take on “Out There,” the brilliant, yet sometimes forgotten ballad from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, is also well done.

Disney Flash Mob – D23’s Destination D: 75 Years of Disney Animated Features

Rhianne Paz Bergado shares with us the start of D23’s Destination D celebration that honored Disney’s long line of animated features. I was lucky enough to catch this flash mob by a bunch of Disney performers in person when I attended the 2012 event. This opening pays tribute to the variety of songs from Disney, whether it be the vivacious “Prince Ali” from Aladdin or the cutesy snappiness of “Canine Crunchies” from 101 Dalmatians. My favorite moment was when they started wagging their “tails.” This was well choreographed and appropriate for the occasion, given the hundreds of Disney fans in attendance. Nice work, D23!

Soldier Surprises Family at Disney’s Art of Animation Resort – Disney Flash Mob!

Melissa Pickering’s video captured a memorable event for this special family, exemplifying why the people employed by Disney are among the hardest-working and most compassionate people. Disney’s Art of Animation Resort in Florida put on a show for guests in its lobby as Cast Members performed a version of “Part of Your World” from The Little Mermaid. According to the description of the video, Melissa knew her husband, who was deployed in Afghanistan, was coming home – but not necessarily toward the end of a Disney dance. Tons of Cast Members participated in this dance and the children’s reactions are priceless. If this is not what you consider Disney magic, I don’t know what would fit that definition.

Frozen ‘Let It Go’ Flash-Mob (VCU)

The Frozen phenomenon remains in full swing – or rather, in full swirling snow – and this video filmed by YouTube user Tommy McPhail, another campus-set number, enables singing students to take full advantage of their aptly set environment. Cue the instrumentals and the chilly, yet revved-up performers. While there may not be a huge crowd outside to take in the group’s version of the Academy Award-winning piece, that does not matter. They’re having so much fun that it is contagious, even as a virtual spectator. Major props go out to organizer Tres Dean, McPhail and the other performing participants at Virginia Commonwealth University for putting on a show that would make Idina Menzel proud.

Allison and Leanne’s Wedding Flash Mob

Sometimes flash mobs can erupt at what might be the most important time of an individual’s life: getting married. aZAHAproduction’s channel filmed this video from the wedding of Allison and Leanne, who must be lovers of the Mouse. After one of the bride’s sister delivers a heartwarming speech, things turn pretty “enchanted.” She begins singing to “That’s How You Know,” Amy Adams‘ rousing number from the 2007 musical. Suddenly another person in the wedding party joins in as Marlon Saunders’ character. You can tell that the brides are delighted to see their loved ones participate in the piece. Guess what? We are grinning just as much. Everyone moves off to the dance floor and the effervescence that comes through makes you wish you could dance with this entertaining group of people.

Disney flash mob in the DUC at Wash. U.

These Aristocats may not meow, but they sure croon a smooth “You’ve Got a Friend In Me” from Toy Story. This a capella group from Washington University began dancing and singing to Randy Newman‘s Oscar-nominated tune in one of the college dining locations. While perhaps not everyone present appreciated their discussions and meals being interrupted, StudentLifeNewspaper’s video captured a smile-worthy rendition of Woody’s song. Their concluding “jazz hands” routine is amusing and while the choreography may not be remarkable, their enthusiasm more than makes up for it. Unfortunately, it does not look like they received applause from the bystanders, but I give them a virtual salute.

Saving Mr. Banks Flash Mob ODEON

ODEON Cinemas is the setpiece for this YouTube video that coincided with the release of Saving Mr. Banks. It seems like several people are yearning to “go fly a kite” in this flash mob set to the cheerful melody from Mary Poppins. This happy song elevated P.L. Travers’ mood in Banks, and likewise watching this flash mob can “turn a frown upside down.” The pianist plays the Richard Sherman and Robert Sherman song with spirit, and the enthusiastic singers, who enter in large numbers, are just as great. Substituting umbrellas for kites is an additional nice touch!

UGA Tarzan Flash Mob: Trashin’ the Campus

Evan Simmons offers a smart promotion of University of Georgia’s production of Tarzan by staging a flash mob in downtown Athens. “Trashin’ The Camp,” one of Phil Collins‘ songs for the soundtrack, may not have the warmth of “You’ll Be In My Heart,” but it works perfectly in rousing up any crowd with its catchy beat. The urban landscape of Athens differs from the deep jungles of Africa where Tarzan is set, yet this backdrop works for enticing everyone to catch the production!

Which of these was your favorite Disney flash mob? Share your thoughts!

This is Brett Nachman, signing off. Follow me on Twitter for alerts of new editions of Disney In Depth, Thursdays on Geeks of Doom.

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