The Dark Souls games are already some of the hardest games ever crafted, and yet fans, for some incomprehensible reason, are always looking for new ways to increase the challenge (because Dark Souls fans take great pleasure in inflicting large amounts of pain and suffering on their own psychological makeup).
One such fan of questionable motives decided one day that he wanted to take on the Souls games using a Rock Band guitar as a controller. You can check out a few videos of his efforts against some tough boss fights in the videos below.
For those thinking he’s making it look fairly easy considering the games and the controller being used, be sure to take note of the glowing greenish cloud on the ground in most of the videos. For those who’ve never played these games, that’s the souls you drop (and usually try to recover if possible) when killed. So there was definitely at least one, and likely many more, failures before these successful attempts.
You can see more of these videos over at YouTube user gbbearzly’s channel.
[Source: via Game Informer]
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