Fox heads Dana Walden and Gary Newman recently talked about some old favorite series that could be getting resurrected in the future.
Shows the duo have revealed they’re interested in reviving are The X-Files, the science fiction-horror series that starred David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, Prison Break, and 24. While more 24 will come as no great shock—the series just completed a successful 12-episode limited event return this past summer—the next run could be without Jack Bauer, played of course by Kiefer Sutherland.
Of The X-Files, Newman and Walden said:
“It’s true that we’ve had some conversations on X-Files. We’re hopeful of being able to bring that back at some point.…
Gary and I both worked [at 20th Century Fox Television] through the entire run of The X Files. It was a great experience. We’ve maintained good relationships with Chris, David and Gillian. We’re very hopeful, but it’s hard. The actors are very busy. They have a lot going on. Chris has a lot on his plate, so it’s just trying to carve out the time.”
And as for a Jack Bauer-less 24, Walden said:
“We have discussed it with him. We talk to Kiefer all the time. He’s a great creative partner, potentially he won’t be in this installment. We’re not sure yet. We’re not that far along, but I know he supports us doing more 24.First of all, we’re not talking about continuing the show without him. We’re talking about whether there’s one installment that he’s not in. I think if the storytelling is exciting enough, that real-time element that the show really owns–so many of the production aspects are so unique to that show–I do [think we could do it without him]. I think [it could be] great characters with that creative team. I look at everyone that’s surrounded Kiefer in the last installment and I think it could work.”
This next installment of 24 has already been pitched as well, and the storyline comes complete with the option for Bauer to return should Sutherland, who has said he doesn’t see himself going back to the franchise, change his mind.
Prison Break seems the least likely of the three at the moment, but still a possibility according to Newman:
“There is some speculation in the press about Prison Break, which honestly was slightly news to us. Although we’ve made it clear over the years to the studio that we would bring Prison Break back in a heartbeat. It’s probably the perfect event series. If our old partners in that show are interested, that would be great.”
The cast and crew behind these shows are of course busy with other things these days—many of them working on shows for other networks such as Duchovny and Anderson, who are both working with NBC at the moment—so a revival of these series, if they do happen, will likely be a bit down the road unless Fox decides to do the 24 thing will all of them and follow new characters.
The biggest takeaway from all of this? Still not a peep about Firefly.
[Source: EW]
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