Season 3 Episode 18: “Public Enemy”
Directed by Dwight Little
Written by Wendy Mericle and Marc Guggenheim
Starring Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards, John Barrowman, Colton Haynes, Brandon Routh, and Paul Blackthorne.
The CW
Air Date: Wednesday, April 1st, 2015, 8:00pm
It’s time to review Episode number 18 of Season 3 of Arrow, titled “Public Enemy.”
Beware of spoilers! Proceed with caution! We talk about two episodes below!
Last week on Arrow 3.17 “Suicidal Tendencies”, Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable) continues to pressure Oliver (Stephen Amell) to be his heir, by pretty much turning the whole city against him. Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) discovers that Oliver Queen is the Arrow via the Atom suit, which is cool at first, but then sputters out when he tries to fight the Arrow. And we saw the return of the Suicide Squad after Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) get hooked into a mission, literally right after their wedding by Deadshot (Michael Rowe) and Cupid (Amy Gumenick) to save a senator. RIP Deadshot — your PTSD suffering is now over.
Arrow 3.18 “Public Enemy” review: I don’t know what is going to happen now. The mayor is dead by a green-hooded figure (whom we know is Ra’s al Ghul and/or any of his men at any given moment). Ray was arrow-shot in the chest and now may die by embolism. We heartily welcome back scantily clad Felicity mom Donna Smoak (Charlotte Ross), who is really wise in ways Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) can never be. I really want to know why Maseo (Karl Yune) is not helping Oliver out of this predicament. I understand believing in a cause and all, but come on! All the flashbacks show him saving his son. I don’t get it. It makes the flashbacks all the more interesting than usual because it makes us really want to know the pivotal turn moment. Oliver ran into a familiar face in that past as well. The episode title gives a clue to the craziness at the end of this episode, but I can’t give it away just yet. I just reiterate that I really cannot predict the next move, whereas I’m usually good at guessing. The fight scene is sick as per usual, but the end… I didn’t expect the two things that happened at all.
Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8pm on The CW.
Arrow – Public Enemy Trailer
Arrow is public enemy number one. Find out if he will be caught this Wednesday on an all new episode.
Arrow – Inside: Public Enemy
“The show will never be the same.” Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim talks Oliver’s future. Arrow is all new Wednesday at 8/7c!
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