Just recently we were all blessed with the news that they did in fact make a third installment in the Human Centipede…err, franchise? And not only that, but that the movie would up the centipede count from the three people in the original and the 12 people (or an attempted 12 anyway) seen in the second movie to a nauseating 500 people in the trilogy-maker. Surely a movie custom built for a holiday release.
If simply knowing this information wasn’t enough for you and you’re looking to see more, the first trailer for The Human Centipede 3: (Final Sequence)—“final sequence” because trying to top 500 could land everyone involved in prison—has now been released online, and can be viewed below…if you dare. The trailer is of the red band variety and should be considered NSFW. But you already knew that, because it’s a movie about surgically connecting 500 human beings together mouth to anus, and I’m quite confident it’d be an award-worthy achievement for someone to figure out a way to somehow cut a green band trailer for that madness.
So what exactly can you expect to see in this red band trailer for The Human Centipede 3? I haven’t the foggiest! As a horror junkie I gave the first movie a fair chance, and was not a fan at all. Then I inexplicably decided to give the sequel a chance, a decision I still regret to this day. I learned my lesson the hard way, and have not a sliver of interest in even watching this trailer.
But if you did enjoy the first two movies, by all means, enjoy! And maybe seek some sort of psychiatric evaluation to be safe.
Bully prison warden Bill Boss (Dieter Laser), leading a big state prison in the US of A, has a lot of problems; his prison statistically has the highest amount of prison riots, medical costs and staff turnover in the country. But foremost he is unable to get the respect he thinks he deserves from his inmates and the state Governor (Eric Roberts). He constantly fails in experimenting with different ideas for the ideal punishment to get the inmates in line, which drives him, together with the sizzling heat, completely insane. Under threats of termination by the Governor, his loyal right hand man Dwight (Laurence R. Harvey) comes up with a brilliant idea. A revolutionary idea which could change the American prison system for good and save billions of dollars. An idea based on the notorious Human Centipede movies, that will literally and figuratively get the inmates on their knees, creating the ultimate punishment and deterrent for anyone considering a life of crime. Having nothing to lose, Bill and Dwight create a jaw-dropping 500-person prison centipede.
The Human Centipede 3 will be released on VOD and in select theaters on May 22nd.
[Source: via Vulture]
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