| Blu-ray Review: The Human Centipede: The Complete Sequence
The Human Centipede: The Complete Sequence
Director: Tom Six
Screenwriter: Tom Six
Cast: Dieter Laser, Ashley C. Williams, Laurence R. Harvey, Maddi Black, Eric Roberts, Bree Olson, Tommy “Tiny” Lister, Jay Tavare
Scream Factory | IFC Midnight
Not Rated | 92 / 91 / 103 Minutes
Release Date: October 27, 2015 Directed by Tom Six and starring Eric Roberts, Dieter Laser, Ashley C. Williams, Laurence R. Harvey, and Maddi Black, The Human Centipede: The Complete Sequence features the unrated director’s cuts of all three films and comes loaded with bonus features, including new featurettes, audio commentaries and interviews, and a new color version of The Human Centipede 2 (Full Sequence).
...continue reading » Tags: Ashley C. Williams, Ashlynn Yennie, Bree Olson, Dieter Laser, Eric Roberts, Jay Tavare, Laurence Harvey, Laurence R. Harvey, Maddi Black, The Human Centipede, The Human Centipede 2, The Human Centipede 3, The Human Centipede: The Complete Sequence, Tom Six, Tommy "Tiny" Lister | |
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| Watch Now: ‘The Human Centipede 3’ Red Band Trailer (Or Don’t) |

Just recently we were all blessed with the news that they did in fact make a third installment in the Human Centipede…err, franchise? And not only that, but that the movie would up the centipede count from the three people in the original and the 12 people (or an attempted 12 anyway) seen in the second movie to a nauseating 500 people in the trilogy-maker. Surely a movie custom built for a holiday release. If simply knowing this information wasn’t enough for you and you’re looking to see more, the first trailer for The Human Centipede 3: (Final Sequence)—“final sequence” because trying to top 500 could land everyone involved in prison—has now been released online, and can be viewed below…if you dare. The trailer is of the red band variety and should be considered NSFW. But you already knew that, because it’s a movie about surgically connecting 500 human beings together mouth to anus, and I’m quite confident it’d be an award-worthy achievement for someone to figure out a way to somehow cut a green band trailer for that madness.
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| ‘The Human Centipede 3’ To Have 500-Person Centipede; Synopsis and Release Date Revealed
Of all the strange cult films that have come out in the past few years, Human Centipede is one of the most disgusting, yet oddly attractive. After two films of characters having their mouths being surgically (against their will of course) attached to another person’s ass, we are getting a third installment titled The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence). The first one had a three person chain, which then jumped to 12 people in the sequel. But the third will spike to 500 people. The logistics of creating something like that is just beyond crazy, but the new plot synopsis reveals where the Dieter Laser (from the first film) and Laurence R. Harvey (from the second) find their victims. The two are returning as prison wardens who seem to get no respect from their inmates, and find inspiration through the Human Centipede films. Hit the jump for the full synopsis and release date.
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| Netflix Review: The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence |
By cGt2099
| June 22nd, 2012 at 5:02 pm |

The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence
Netflix Streaming
DVD | Blu-Ray
Written and Directed by Tom Six
Starring Laurence R. Harvey, Ashlynn Yennie, Maddi Black
IFC Midnight
Originally Released: September 22, 2011
Are we really not only making movies about eating shit, but making sequels to them now? The Human Centipede 2 is not only a difficult film to watch; it’s disgusting and it’s messy. Where the first movie is cold, deliberate, clinical, and in full color; the sequel is static, filthy, filmed in black-and-white, and firmly lacking in the antiseptic of the first (quite literally). As with the initial movie, there’s not much about this horror movie to ‘scare’ you, but much of it to shock and disgust you. Tom Six delivers his promise that this sequel makes the original look like My Little Pony; but there is a cost to this, as elements of social commentary and deeper symbolism is sacrificed by the obsession of being able disturb you and shock you.
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