The Human Centipede 2: Full Sequence
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DVD | Blu-Ray
Written and Directed by Tom Six
Starring Laurence R. Harvey, Ashlynn Yennie, Maddi Black
IFC Midnight
Originally Released: September 22, 2011
Are we really not only making movies about eating shit, but making sequels to them now?
The Human Centipede 2 is not only a difficult film to watch; it’s disgusting and it’s messy. Where the first movie is cold, deliberate, clinical, and in full color; the sequel is static, filthy, filmed in black-and-white, and firmly lacking in the antiseptic of the first (quite literally). As with the initial movie, there’s not much about this horror movie to ‘scare’ you, but much of it to shock and disgust you. Tom Six delivers his promise that this sequel makes the original look like My Little Pony; but there is a cost to this, as elements of social commentary and deeper symbolism is sacrificed by the obsession of being able disturb you and shock you.
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