In the first episodes of Machinima‘s Real Fake History, they’ve tackled epic battles from films like Avengers, TV shows like Game of Thrones, and even video games like “Punchout.” This week, they take the terms “battle” and “games” in a slightly different direction as the focus is on two roommate gamers engaged in an epic battle of “Starcraft 2.”
Check out the episode below.
I want to preface this by saying I’ve never played, nor know anything about the Starcraft franchise. My video game playing after Super Nintendo was resigned strictly for WWE wrestling games, and other sports games. I will do my best though, to translate some of the ultra-geek game jargon. Eugene Iffert, whose made up to be the nerdiest nerd in the history of nerd-dom (complete with big red pimples), is a Zerg Starcraft Grandmaster. After ten years as roommates, this was a video game battle to change everything. Jay Yadav, a Terran Starcraft Grandmaster, describes the strategies used in the early stages: “Eugene always sends over a drone early to attack my barracks. Usually I fall for it. But this time, I ignored it and just kept building more barracks. I was going to build the largest Terran army ever made!!!” It should be noted he’s wearing a pixelated Super Mario Bros shirt.
In all epic battles throughout history, there are casualties. Here, the victim was Eugene’s sister Anna, who was unfortunately for her, staying with her brother while this raging yelling-fest took place. Even worse, Jay has a crush on her. After hours of fighting, a mysterious third party online user joined the game, taking out both Eugene and Jay in rapid succession. Eugene was so distraught, he hasn’t played Starcraft since. Who was the mysterious third player? You guessed it.. Frank Stallone! No, but suffice to say there’s a twist ending.
Machinima has over 12.5 million subscribers and releases a new Real Fake History every Tuesday morning.
Starcraft 2: Eugene vs. Jay – Real Fake History
When two roommates decide to take their rivalry to the battlefield, only one Terran or Zerg army will survive the fight… or will they?
[Source: Machinima YT]
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