Scream Queens
Season 1 Episode 6: “Seven Minutes In Hell”
Written by Ryan Murphy
Directed by Michael Uppendahl
Created by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk, Ian Brennan
Starring Emma Roberts, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lea Michele, Abigail Breslin, Nasim Pedrad, Oliver Hudson, Skyler Samuels, Keke Palmer, Billie Lourd, Nick Jonas
Air Date: Tuesday, October 20th, 2015, 9pm
If you believe any press is good press, then this was a great couple of days for FOX and horror shows. After years of media dormancy, the PTC (Parent Television Council) publicly decried FX’s American Horror Story AND FOX’s Scream Queens as two of the sickest shows in TV history for their high levels of sex and violence… sometimes simultaneously. While they were more disgusted with AHS, it is on late, and on cable. Scream Queens, on the other hand, is on network TV and airs at 7pm in midwestern areas. So as I’ve been telling you, if you like bloody good fun, Scream Queens is pissing off the right people! You gotta hand it to Brad Falchuk and Ryan Murphy, who created BOTH shows.
Spoilers below for Scream Queens.
Last week, the search for Zayday (Keke Palmer) was on, as the gang in Scooby-Doo fashion uncovered the Red Devil’s lair. The Chanels saw an attempted uprising get put down and Chanel Oberlin (Emma Roberts) is firmly back in charge thanks to Hester”¦ Chanel #6 (Lea Michele). As a penalty, Chanel #5 (Abigail Breslin) and her two brotherly suitors were dropped in a Halloween hedge maze where the Red Devil attacked leaving one brother dead. We know that Gigi (Nasim Pedrad) is not who she says she is and is either controlling the Devil’s moves or assisting them. A likely candidate for the killer is Boone (Nick Jonas), who was “killed” only to walk away at the end of the two-part premiere.
As the vote for new Kappa president comes to a close, Chanel TIES with Zayday”¦ which is what she wants. She learned from A&E that people in power are targets of violence and murder”¦ so pass that torch to and possible slaughter to Zayday. Zayday’s first act”¦ SLUMBER PARTY! I love the unabashed homages to horror film tropes. Last week, The Shining, Jaws, Silence of the Lambs, Exorcist III“¦ all in one episode. As someone who once gathered with friends to watch Slumber Party Massacre in a bathroom movie night”¦ yeah I’m totally fine with this. Chanel #3 (Billie Lourd) uses the opportunity to explore her confusing feelings towards Predatory Lez (Jeanna Han). Lourd plays weird SO WELL. Her bathroom scene with Han had me hysterical.
“Believe me when I say, if it were possible for me to feel anything, I’d totally be crying right now.” When the “Panic Room” security system locks the house down, it’s up to CHAD RADWELL (Glen Powell) to save the day! Right after he gets there with a frat brother, the Red Devil arrives and golfs off their armless friend’s head with an axe”¦ take THAT PTC!
Zayday convinces Grace (Skyler Samuels) to stick through the night and play Truth or Dare in an attempt to find the killer or what people are hiding. Chad Radwell flipping out about the rules of Truth or Dare is classic. Later when a truth reveals to the group that Chanel #3’s dad is Charles Manson, he chimes in with this great one: “Can I just say, #3 is definitely the killer… if not you should probably give it a shot, I think you’d be really good at it.”
Angry at her for revealing the truth, Chanel #3 casts her possible future love interest, Sam, down to the basement “where the deepest darkest secrets are revealed.” As Chad is making Chumbawamba relevant upstairs (awesome), the Red Devil strikes on Sam and smothers her with a shower curtain”¦ not the bloodiest death ever, the PTC might not be so upset”¦ Hester makes her move on Chad Radwell. He tries to deflect on account of her craziness. “I love space mountain, but I love my penis more.”
Chanel decides that 7 Minutes In Heaven is a better idea now that the “wangers” are here, but wants Chad back under pledge of monogamy”¦ which he accepts grudgingly. During Chanel #5’s session with Roger, the Devil strikes and uses a nail gun to turn him into a Hellraiser cenobite. Soon they discover Clue-style tunnels throughout the house. Zayday and Chanel head down there giving us this farewell between her and Chad Radwell.
“Chanel. If you get murdered in those tunnels, I promise I will never bang anyone harder than I banged you.”
“Chad”¦ I love you”
“Ooh you’re so rich and hot!”
The overacting is done with such heart that it works. Surprisingly Chanel comes back to save Zayday. (“If I’m gonna survive this, I need the numbers.”) As morning arrives, the cops show up and promise protection outside Kappa House. Chanel celebrates their “victory” over the Red Devil (only 2 deaths) by buying pink nunchucks for all the sisters. DANCE PARTY!!!
This show continues to just be wildly irreverent and all-out crazy fun. Serial killers, violent deaths, hilarious one-liners, CHAD RADWELL. Next week’s episode looks great as Gigi returns for revenge, and the Chanels turn on their leader.
Scream Queens returns on Tuesday, October 27, 2015 after the World Series at 9pm ET on FOX.
Image Gallery
SCREAM QUEENS | Crying from “Seven Minutes in Hell”
Chad sets the record straight on a few rumors.
SCREAM QUEENS | Super Gross Rich from “Seven Minutes in Hell”
Chanel calls Chad to come over and save the girls when the power goes out.
SCREAM QUEENS | Spin The Bottle from “Seven Minutes in Hell”
The girls partake in an old school game, Spin the Bottle.
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