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New ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Images Unravel Story Mysteries
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Though each and every new trailer and TV spot has delivered small pieces of new footage, we still know very little about Star Wars: The Force Awakens. So far everyone has made some sort of educated guess as to the actual plot of the film. Of course there are only a few outside of those who are close to the production who know that The Force Awakens is really about, and most of us will just have to wait until the film comes out to see how the start of the new trilogy unfolds. But as we impatiently wait those few weeks until the film’s release, a slew of new images have now popped up online, and they reveal some plot points, but it doesn’t quite spoil anything since none of the footage we have seen has managed to be spoilery.

That being said, with these new images comes some very revealing details about the characters themselves. And these details aren’t your average magazine puff pieces; they provide some insight into the characters, their motivations, and much more. Check all of that out below.

EW was the first to break the exclusive news as well as release the brand new images from the film. There will be some tiny spoilers ahead, so if you are reading this now and want to see The Force Awakens with a clean slate, I suggest you turn back now.

This is your last chance. To turn back.

Okay, here we go, you’ve been warned.

One of the most revealing aspects of EW’s latest piece is that Rey, has been abandoned by her family when she was a young age. This was hinted at during the trailer when a voiceover asked Rey who she was, to which she responded “I’m no one.” Nice exposition there. Here’s what Daisy Ridley had to say.

“She’s been alone for a long time. When something occurs when you’re 5, you know what went on but you don’t understand the reasoning. She’s hopeful for what lies ahead, whether that involves the past or not.”

So why hasn’t that abandonment driven her to the Dark Side? We’ll as we saw in that same trailer, you can see it in her eyes that she has dreams of leaving the planet Jakku, although at the time we didn’t know what she was dreaming about, and now we get a sense that she has dreams of meeting her real parents.

“Hope makes people good, a lot of the time,” Ridley says. “You hope for a brighter future, and resentment is outweighed.”

She then reveals that there is a common thread that connects Rey, Finn, and Kylo, and that thread is “they have been led to feel like they’re wanting.” According to the actress, Rey’s life on Jakku is monotonous, but says “the film, for Rey, is a journey of finding out that no one is no one.”

At one moment in the trailer and a teaser, we see that Finn (John Boyega) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) exchange a glance before they head out to battle against the First Order, what sort of circumstances led to this is still unclear, and the nature of the relationship is unclear as well. But in one of the images below, we see that Finn has come a badly injured Poe’s rescue, which leads us to believe that maybe Finn wasn’t a stormtrooper, and that he infiltrated the first order, came across a captured Poe, and rescued him before he boarded a tie fighter and crash landed on Jakku, where he would eventually meet Rey.

But according to the actor, these stormtroopers aren’t just the surviving soldiers from the fallen Empire. And here is where it does get a tad bit confusing. When describing the history of the stormtroopers, Boyega says that they have been raised “childhood to serve this remnant of the scattered Imperial forces are fed propaganda about the heroes of the Rebellion.” According to him the First Order has taught him a lot about Luke Skywalker, and has painted the Jedi as a villain who destroyed the benevolent Empire. The site adds another detail about these soldiers saying “many have been conscripted and indoctrinated with hate and fear of what the Rebellion stood for.”

While we know that Adam Driver is the face to the villainous Kylo Ren, we don’t know much about him, or the knights of Ren, or why he is so fascinated by Darth Vader. We’ve seen small glimpses of him and his fellow knights of Ren in the last trailer, but producer Bryan Burk says they are and what they want will be a mystery answered by the movie. But the actor may have an explanation for his character’s motivation,

“When you break all of those things down, really it’s just because someone wasn’t loved enough or felt betrayed,” he says. “That’s what makes those movies so universal. I think they can get in your mind in big and sweeping ways.”

Some of the smaller things we learn about this film is that Gwendoline Christie’s armor of Captain Phasma was originally designed to be Kylo Ren’s armor. However, Abrams reveals that she isn’t in the film very much, but when you do see here, she takes command of the scene.

There’s more over at EW, where Ridley reveals what her staff weapon is, Abrams thoughts on the trolling boycott that went viral before the release of the latest trailer, and the design of the new ships and speeders seen in the film.


[Source: EW]

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