A teaser video for Zack Snyder‘s Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice aired tonight during FOX’s Gotham, and you can watch it here below right now!
It’s short. It’s intense. It’s to the point. Batman is caught. He joins several men chained up by their wrists in some type of underground pit. As the noise builds, we peer out towards the laddered exit where Superman drops in sending a cloud of dust and sand at the captives. The armored guards kneel before him, as if bowing to their deity. Superman (Henry Cavill) looks pissed and he rips Batman’s mask clean off, revealing the identity of Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck). He glares back, Superman stares off at the mask of his seemingly fallen adversary… roll credits.
That folks is as intense a 45 seconds as you’ll get. Showing nothing of the plot, and no spoken dialogue — Cavill and Affleck simply scowl at each other, each it appears more angry than the other. This teaser trailer had that epic feel to it. And I must say Affleck looks great. I know people were mocking the casting selection in the beginning, but remember, they mocked the choice of Heath Ledger as Joker in The Dark Knight as well. Affleck is perfect for Bruce Wayne, and at 43, he looks like an older, grittier Batman, one like we haven’t scene. Cavill just IS Superman, he owns the suit and the look, and while I wasn’t the biggest fan of Man of Steel, I am huge Cavill supporter. Everyone watching this video is probably as stoked as I am right now!
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice comes out March 25, 2016 in theater everywhere. The full trailer for the film will debut on Wednesday, December 2, 2015.
Batman v Superman – Exclusive Sneak
[Source: WB Pictures]
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