Minority Report
Season 1 Episode 10: “Everybody Runs”
Directed by Greg Beeman
Written by Max Borenstein & Kevin Falls
Created by Max Borenstein
Starring Stark Sands, Meagan Good, Wilmer Valderrama, Nick Zano, Daniel London, Laura Regan, Zhane Hall, Li Jun Li, Reed Diamond
Air Date: Monday, November 30th, 2015, 9pm
Is losing three lives worth saving thousands? Director Blomfeld (Reed Diamond) would say so. There is a terrorist group, Memento Mori, planning something big and Hawk-Eye, the prized “predictive policing” program isn’t cutting it. His plan is to reinstate pre-crime, and lock the pre-cogs back in a bigger, better milkbath. He knows they’re out there; they nearly caught Agatha (Laura Regan) and with Lt. Blake (Wilmer Valderrama) now in the know about Dash’s real identity, it seems only a matter of time before Agatha’s vision comes true.
Spoilers for the finale below.
We open on a flashback to Wally (Daniel London) being hired. The pre-cogs are teens, happy, and ready to help. “It’ll only be a few days.” Wally likes them immediately. Soon, he’s told that instead of a few days, it’ll be more like 60-years that the kids will be floating delivering murderous visions. What has always intrigued me about Minority Report is the morality play. Going back to the vastly underappreciated Spielberg film, and throughout the show, they continually ask difficult questions of the viewer. Blomfeld reports to his superior, that the answer to finding Memento Mori has been found. While tracking Agatha, they found traces of DNA from each of the siblings, plus a fourth person… Lara Vega (Meagan Good). Now just think for a second. If I told you we, the United States, could prevent ISIS from committing acts of terror, and in the process save Americans lives, and all it would take was suppressing the rights of 3 innocent people… yes or no, you’re thinking about it.
The pre-cogs are aware their time is short, and they need to get out of dodge, but they get a huge mass vision of Memento Mori in what appears to be a biological terror attack. Dash (Stark Sands) however has a minority report (roll credits!) For those wondering for ten episodes, the title refers to when one of the pre-cogs sees an alternate future as the others. It was the reason for the pre-crime’s dissolving after the events of the film, since collectively they were proven imperfect, all arrests made of future murderers were now subject to scrutiny. As usual Arthur (Nick Zano) steals the scene, “You know I was doing fine in this city until you both showed up.”
Blomfeld and the DIA are in hot pursuit of the pre-cogs. Vega and Akeela (Li Jun Li) head to Arthur’s to say goodbye. But Dash is determined to stop Memento Mori, and sneaks away to Wally’s to examine his vision. Dr Gray (Christopher Heyerdahl) is totally playing them all. He sends some agents off to the city water supply, others off to Congress, but Vega is convinced something is off.
Dash gets caught by Blomfeld, but Arthur, Agatha, and friends turn the tide on them. To catch Memento Mori before the attack, they agree to go into the milkbath, but “their way”, protected by Arthur’s large associates, with Wally assisting, and all info going to Vega directly. Blomfeld’s response shows his duality; “If that’s what it takes to stop an attack, fine. I’m a Patriot first.”
The pre-cogs, joined together in the milkbath help Blake and Vega stop the attack right on time”¦ but they seem more murders”¦ and Blomfeld indeed was setting them up. After a final showdown, the siblings are ready to make a run for it, but with only three living people who can identify them, is it better to just kill them off and be free? Before any of them can make a decision, Wally makes the call and the show sends off with a throwback to the greatest part of the film, as Wally tells them and Vega what to do in one simple word; “RUN!”
I loved this series, and would love to see it get picked up somewhere, but it just never seemed the demand was high enough with viewers. Minority Report had a little bit of everything. It was good as a buddy cop show in the vain of Castle. It succeeded as sci-fi, as action, as drama, and everywhere in the middle. But most of all, it succeeded at continuing Philip K. Dick’s and Steven Spielberg’s legacy, by asking tough questions of morality, and where science and humanity fit in.
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Don’t miss the Season Finale of MINORITY REPORT this MON at 9/8c on FOX!
MINORITY REPORT | Only Human from “Everybody Runs” | FOX
Vega tries to put the pieces of the visions together.
MINORITY REPORT | Behind The Curtain from “Everybody Runs” | FOX
Vega’s interrogation is interrupted by the FBI.
MINORITY REPORT | Exchange from “Everybody Runs” | FOX
Wally is informed that they will be keeping Dash, Arthur and Agatha in the milk bath longer than expected.
MINORITY REPORT | Don’t Engage from “Everybody Runs” | FOX
Dash, Arthur and Agatha have a prevision.
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