It’s time for the first Honest Trailer of 2016… woohoo!!! Normally, I try to avoid the HTs if I haven’t seen the film yet, but in this case the actual trailer gave enough of the movie away, that I feel totally comfortable reviewing Screen Junkies’ faux trailer for Ridley Scott’s and Matt Damon’s return to outer space: The Martian.
Check out the Honest Trailer below.
Narrator Jon Bailey recounts all the places Matt Damon has been rescued from, including WWII (Saving Private Ryan), the Middle East (The Green Zone), outer space (Interstellar) and his horrible Boston childhood (Good Will Hunting… LOL). We see how Matt’s botanist is left for dead on Mars, yet has a seemingly endless supply of super cool things that will help him survive. “C’mon, all Tom Hanks had was a volleyball and an ice skate!”
Strap in for a 2-hour long NASA commercial that is basically like listening to an audiobook, since Damon narrates every single thing he’s doing, all the while doing a ton of really difficult tasks that I’m pretty sure a botanist shouldn’t be able to do. Oh, and there’s a ton of awesome math dialogue! Zzzzzzzzz… Look, in all honesty, the movie looks great, all reviews have been positive, and I’d pretty much follow Matt Damon to the ends of the Earth, so I’ll suffer through the math-centric parts.
Starring… The Maaahtian (Boston accent to make it make sense), Gilly (from SNL), Bore-omir (Sean Bean… wait, he has to die in this right? Isn’t that a law now?)… new title: CAST AWAY IN SPACE!!! Wait. Does that mean I’m going to start crying hysterically when a volleyball drifts slowly into deep space? Wilson! Wilson! I’m sorry!
Screen Junkies have over 5.1 million subscribers on YouTube and release new Honest Trailers every Tuesday.
Honest Trailer – The Martian
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