Well here we are, ladies and gentlemen and aliens (I know you’re watching, sneaky extraterrestrials). Deadpool will finally be released in theaters in just a few short weeks, and some reactions to an early screening of the flick are now here to read.
This is something die-hard Deadpool fans have no doubt been fearing, sick with worry the past year or two or longer that when a movie was finally made it wouldn’t live up to their insanely high expectations and the movie would be a dud. These reactions obviously don’t speak for everyone, and some of them are perhaps a bit hyperbolic, but they are the first hint at what viewer reactions to the movie could be like moving forward as more and more people get the movie embedded in their brains.
Click on over to the other side now to check out what people who have actually seen Deadpool with their own two eyes are saying about it.
As you can see, the response is overwhelmingly positive so far. Again, some of this could be excessive praise—let’s face it, there’s a lot of buzz around what we’ve already seen of the movie and anyone who was excited about it and got a chance to see it weeks early is going to be pumped about it big time—but it’s fun to see. Even The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman gets in on the action, and makes a surprisingly bold comparison in the process.
If this keeps up, that’s one half of the battle. The other half is whether or not people will actually get out to theaters to watch it. An R-rated superhero movie being good is one thing, but only if it does good business will studios possibly be more open to taking this kind of risk in the future.
Here are the early reactions:
[Source: via Collider]
Can’t wait to see it…special thanks to “Ryan Reynolds” for never giving up hope of making a true Deadpool character and movie. I don’t think this would have ever been possible if it wasn’t for his whole hearted belief that he could be Deadpool and make it work.
Comment by Karl Andre — January 20, 2016 @ 9:29 am