It’s been a little while since we’ve heard about the epic cinematic showdown Godzilla vs. King Kong that’s currently scheduled for release in 2020. Since the movie was announced monster movie fans, while excited by the idea, have wondered: just how in the hell does Kong stand even the slightest chance of hanging with the mighty Godzilla?
This article doesn’t answer that question, but it does give us a better idea of where things are heading. During Warner Brothers’ CineEurope presentation an extended preview of the next King Kong movie, titled Kong: Skull Island, was shown featuring stars Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, and John C. Reilly. But the real news came from director Jordon Vogt-Roberts, who revealed just how big this latest version of Kong will be. Hint: it dwarfs most other versions of the King of the Apes.
Of Kong’s size, Vogt-Roberts said:
“This is going to be the biggest Kong there’s ever been. Not 10 foot or 30 foot, but a 100-foot ape.”
That is one big ape, though maybe not actually the biggest (we’ll get to that later). Most of the previous versions of Kong are actually said to be about 50 foot, but still, twice the usual size should be something to see.
Will this new mega-sized Kong stand a better chance against Godzilla when they do battle? Well, that largely depends on the overall plan for this monster universe Warner Brothers and Legendary Pictures are putting together.
Before Godzilla vs. King Kong is released both Skull Island and Godzilla 2 are supposed to be released. It’s assumed that the plan is to use the version of Godzilla from director Gareth Edwards’ 2014 reboot of the franchise, because why make a sequel and completely change the size of the monster you’ve already established. The problem there is, Godzilla was over 350 freakin’ feet tall in that movie—almost 200 feet taller than the original 1954 Godzilla and 250 feet taller than this new and larger Kong. So a fight between them would still be like a feisty chipmunk taking on a rottweiler.
There are still ways to even things up, though. This version of Kong is only confirmed for Skull Island. If things go well with that movie and Godzilla 2 and they do actually make Godzilla vs. King Kong, they could always find a way to mutate this 100-foot Kong to an even crazier size. It wouldn’t be the first time Kong was super-sized in order to make a showdown work. Back in 1962 original Godzilla production company Toho released King Kong vs. Godzilla, in which a nearly 150-foot Kong took on the 164-foot lizard monster.
There’s also the option of making Godzilla smaller. This wouldn’t be a popular option, as bigger is almost always better when it comes to monster movies, but it is an option. Edwards is no longer attached to direct the sequel, so who knows what they may tweak.
[Source: THR]
I bet you that the Kong in Skull Island is a baby and will grow an extra 200 feet by the time he fights Godzilla. Remember Skull Island is set in 1971. So that gives Kong almost 50 years to grow.
Comment by Green Jello — July 6, 2016 @ 10:53 am
Still, I don’t see Kong standing a chance against an almost indestructible nuclear mutated T Rex. Still wanna see it though. Maybe their first meeting will be set on a young Godzilla, a smaller one.
Comment by disqus_EBclYzQDil — August 29, 2016 @ 1:55 pm
Exactly as below. Kong is a young Alpha in Skull Island and one of the if not the last one left out of his family, in between Skull Island and Godzilla v Kong he’ll grow massively to the biggest Kong ever.
While not being anywhere near his height or size (350ft) Kong has advantages in movement and attacks. Picture Kong leaping on Zilla and beating his head in massively. Realistically it’s a very hard fight either way. In think Kong would beat the muto’s from Godzilla as well
Comment by Jack Norman — November 17, 2016 @ 11:55 pm
godzilla is millions of years old though, even if they go back 100 years hes still going to be the same height as he was in the last movie.. Kong will grow for the VS movie, he doesnt have to be as tall as godzilla, but at least 2/3rds his height
Comment by Kevin K Rock — March 20, 2017 @ 11:43 am
The argument that Kong is still growing is fine, but it doesn’t really add up. We see the skeletons of Kong’s parents, presumably full-grown giant gorillas, and they are not much smaller than he is. For him to get to anywhere near the size of Godzilla, he will need a lot more than just natural growth.
Comment by shaunn — December 12, 2017 @ 8:55 pm