![SDCC 2016 Preacher Trailer SDCC 2016 Preacher Trailer]()
Preacher is nearly done with its first season on AMC, and the network unveiled a new trailer for the remainder of the season at their panel on Friday night at this year’s San Diego Comic Con.
Check out the trailer here below.
Throughout the first eight episodes of the 10-episode run, Preacher Jesse Custer (Dominic Cooper) has had more than the usual problems dealt with by men of the cloth. He’s got his fiery ex-girlfriend in town trying to bring him back to his old ways. His new best friend just so happens to be a vampire. Oh yeah, and he’s been inhabited by Genesis, a half angel/half demon force with the power to control people and bring about an end to the world.
Some of the trailer highlights include Adephi Angels Fiore (Tom Brooke) and DeBlanc (Anatol Yusef) seeing a travel agent to vacation someplace “much further south.” They end up face to face with the grizzled cowboy (Graham McTavish) who is from the mid 1800s, and whose wife and daughter died while he was off looking for medicine. Jesse had asked them about pulling someone out of Hell, since he felt regretful about condemning Eugene (Ian Colletti) there.
In Annville, Jesse has promised that God himself will show up to church on Sunday. Odin Quincannon (Jesse Earle Haley), who leads the men of Q,M&P like a cult, all the while being a legitimate psycho killer, is set to take the church and land from Jesse unless the town experiences a truly holy Sunday. The signs out front one store: “God is coming! Bikini Wax 50% Off”
“What’s the plan, Jesse,” asks Tulip (Ruth Negga).
“Plan’s simple: Find God. God wants our help, we’ll help him. If he doesn’t, we’re gonna kick his ass.” – Jesse
The last scene in the trailer shows Fiore quivering in front of the cowboy while he has guns drawn on both of them. “We want you to kill someone.”
Preacher returns Sunday night at 9:00 on AMC.
Be sure to check out all of our coverage of this year’s SDCC.
Here are some highlights from AMC’s Preacher panel on Friday night at SDCC.
Preacher: Comic-Con 2016 Official Trailer
Get a first look at what’s coming up in the final episodes of Season 1.
Yes! This is finally the Preacher from the comics. Now if only they could do something about the Arseface story.
Comment by KLD — July 23, 2016 @ 8:30 pm