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Scathing Open Letter To WB CEO Says ‘Wonder Woman’ Is A Mess
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There are plenty of reasons why Warner Bros. should be happy with Suicide Squad‘s box office performance last week, but also plenty of reasons why they should be worried. Despite a $135 million weekend opening, the film saw a 40% drop off on Saturday and another 20% drop on Sunday. Experts are saying that while David Ayer‘s film will probably get the number one spot again, it most likely stands to see a 60% – 65% drop from last week, according to THR. As the numbers continue to decline at such an alarming rate, more reports are coming out about how studio interference may have done more harm than good and how some of the actors were displeased with the lack of screen time they got despite how much footage was shot.

It’s not something we haven’t seen before, especially when it comes to WB trying to figure out what to do with the DCEU. But as more and more reports come out, a scathing open letter written to CEO Kevin Tsujihara reveals that the future of the DCEU is in more trouble than we’d like to think. More on the story below.

A former WB employee going under the pseudonym “Gracie Law” wrote the letter, which was posted on Paijba. In it we see that poor decisions have been made in light of the negative reviews to films like Man Of Steel, which most would agree turned out to be a big, as she puts it, “meh.” Law explains how she held off on releasing the letter in hopes that Suicide Squad would be great.

Zack Snyder‘s Dawn of Justice was a fiasco, but here comes this plucky little dark adventure about antiheroes. I love David Ayer. I love Harley Quinn. I love Will Smith. Put the letter in a drawer. The ship isn’t sinking anymore. Everything is fine. There’s no way this movie is bad.”

Law has no problem mentioning other films like Jupiter Ascending. Get Hard. Hot Pursuit. Max. Vacation. Pan. Point Break. And like the future of DCEU, Law worries about WB’s film slate, and questions if yet another Jungle Book, Andy SerkisJungle Book: Origins, movie is a good idea.

Then the letter returns its focus on the DCEU, and targets its attention on Wonder Woman. Law claims “People inside are already confirming it’s another mess,” and they are hiding that fact with a “great trailer.” Here’s the full excerpt:

What are you even doing? I wish to God you were forced to live out of a car until you made a #1 movie of the year. Maybe Wonder Woman wouldn’t be such a mess. Don’t try to hide behind the great trailer. People inside are already confirming it’s another mess. It is almost impressive how you keep rewarding the same producers and executives for making the same mistakes, over and over.

If I worked at a donut stand, and I kept fucking up donuts, I’d be fired. Even if I made a tiny decent one every now and then, it doesn’t matter. I’m gonna get fired.

To be fair, Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Suicide Squad did not happen under Geoff Johns and Jon Berg’s watch. The two were recently brought in to oversee the future of the DCEU, with the former being a writer on Wonder Woman.

Law called the Hall H presentation at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con a “ridiculous mess that ranged from rushed to boring,” and even went as far to question why the studio announced their film slate at a stockholder’s meeting when Marvel announced their film slate at a fan event outside of Comic-Con.

What is more shocking is that films that perform poorly, critically and/or commercially, have resulted in the loss of jobs, and yet those higher ups like Zack Snyder who were responsible for the film’s poor critical response and box office performance continue to be rewarded:

Zack Snyder is not delivering. Is he being punished? Assistants who were doing fantastic work certainly were. People in finance and in marketing and in IT. They had no say in a movie called Batman V Superman only having 8 minutes of Batman fighting Superman in it, that ends because their moms have the same name. Snyder is a producer on every DC movie. He is still directing Justice League. He is being rewarded with more opportunity to get more people laid off.

We have to take this letter with a huge grain of salt. There is no reason to believe that Wonder Woman will be terrible, but then again, the Suicide Squad trailers were great and look how that turned out. If anything, the writer simply shares our frustrations with the DCEU. Plus, it just adds more drama to the previously existing ones that WB has struggled to create the DCEU since the very beginning.

[Source: THR | Paijba]


  1. It really does blow your mind how Zack Snyder is still directing these super-important DC movies for WB.

    Comment by KISSman — August 13, 2016 @ 12:07 am

  2. Wtf fire zack snyder i’m 10/10 sure justice league is going to suck just from the trailer it looks sooooo bad just like suicide squad and if that movies flops rip dceu.

    Comment by Khaoulah11 — August 13, 2016 @ 3:57 pm

  3. Firing Zack Snyder may make people feel better but the key question is who are you going to get to replace him? Also, great movies start on the page. You need writers who understand, and appreciate, the source material.

    Comment by Britt Reid — August 13, 2016 @ 4:36 pm

  4. Firing Zack Snyder may make people feel better but the key question is who are you going to get to replace him? Also, great movies start on the page. You need writers who understand, and appreciate, the source material.

    Comment by Britt Reid — August 13, 2016 @ 4:36 pm

  5. A 12 year old with a 3 year old iPhone.

    Comment by animusorexis — October 11, 2016 @ 12:13 am

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