Season 3 Episode 6: “Mad City: Follow the White Rabbit”
Directed by Nathan Hope
Written by Steven Lilian & Bryan Wynbrandt
Created by Bruno Heller
Starring Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, Sean Pertwee, Robin Lord Taylor, David Mazouz, Camren Bicondova, Cory Michael Smith, Erin Richards, Chris Chalk, Michael Chiklis
Air Date: Monday, October 24th, 2016, 8pm
Last week on Gotham, Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor) reveled in his victory, and was quite the public figure, until a red-hooded gang broke his mother’s statue, and threatened his rep as mayor. Tabitha and Barbara (Jessica Lucaas and Erin Richards) figured out real quick who the culprit was – Butch (Drew Powell). He was only trying to get back into Penguin’s good graces, by faking the gang and then playing hero. It almost worked, but Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) exposed the plan. Butch was arrested, but Tabitha broke him out. Penguin and Nygma share a moment. Selina (Camren Bicondova) initiated a kiss with the real Bruce (David Mazouz), totally confusing him.
Spoilers below.
Gotham 3.6 “Mad City: Follow the White Rabbit” review: Jervis Tetch aka The Mad Hatter (Benedict Samuel) kidnaps a bride and groom and a little boy, their fate “depends on James Gordon.”
Penguin is happy. He’s in love with Ed. I knew it! But he fears his love is one-sided. Is it? Man, he is funny. He’s going to enroll his maid in an ESL program. That is the first time I’ve ever heard that on TV. Penguin almost tells Ed, but backs out. They go visit a school, and Penguin is massively uncomfortable. Until he sees a lone boy. He makes friends and gives him some Penguin-y advice. Ed admires him for that, and Penguin asks him to dinner. Very sweet.
Valerie Vale (Jamie Chung) wants to talk to Lee (Morena Baccharin) about Alice’s blood. Jim is not as against it as I thought he would be. He says he’s happy.
Vale: “Of course you are. you get to drink scotch all day and have sex with me.” She leaves and an albino shows up with a poetic message for Jim… basically come to Tetch or people die. He follows the white rabbit to a phone booth. There, Tetch gives him a choice – save the married couple or the little boy. He chooses the boy, of course, and splat! Oh, but wait! There’s more.
Bullock and Barnes (Donal Logue and Michael Chiklis) are at the crime scene. The kid tells of Jim’s heroics, and they find the albino. Harvey notices Barnes doesn’t need a cane anymore. Not only that, he can squeeze metal. We are getting closer to him totally hulking out.
Tetch kidnaps Valerie and Lee, thanks to Barbara. He introduces the girls.
Jim shows up and causes the barbecue of 2 more innocents, Barnes and Bullock a witness to the horror.
Vale tries to interview Lee while they are locked up. AYFKM? The white rabbit sends Jim to the location. He grabs Lee’s fiancé along the way.
James go to tea.
The Mad Hatter gets even madder in both senses. Jim almost gets him to kill him, after an obvious dud of a plan fails with the fiancé. Tetch asks, “Who do you love?” Then he changes it to “tell me who to kill.” Jim says, “Kill Lee.” Lee (and I) gasp.
Who does Tetch shoot?
Another fantastic episode. I LOVE the Penguin, Nygma, Kringle doppelgänger triangle. She had him at – riddle.
Jim is going to have to answer to that emotional dilemma he left at the tea party. Such a good scene!!!!
Gotham airs Monday nights at 8:00pm ET on FOX.
FOX’s synopsis:
MON OCT 24 8/9c
Mad Hatter sets his eyes on his next victims, forcing Jim Gordon to make some tough decisions. Meanwhile, Penguin and Nygma’s relationship evolves, and a familiar face comes back into Nygma’s life in the all-new “Mad City: Follow the White Rabbit” episode of GOTHAM airing Monday, Oct. 24 (8:00-9:01 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
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The Tea Party Begins | Season 3 Ep. 6 | GOTHAM
Your presence has been requested, for it is time to be tested. The Mad Hatter has arranged for a special tea party that will push Gordon to make some dark decisions.
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