![This Is Us 110-03 This Is Us 110-03]()
This Is Us
Episode 1.10 “Last Christmas”
Directed by Helen Hunt
Written by Donald Todd, Kay Oyegun
Created by Dan Fogelman
Starring Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, Sterling K. Brown, Chrissy Metz, Justin Hartley, Ron Cephas Jones, Susan Kelechi Watson, Chris Sullivan, Jon Huertas, Eris Baker, Faithe Herman, Lonnie Chavis, Mackenzie Hancsicsak, Parker Bates
Air date: Tuesday, December 6th, 2016, 9:00pm ET
Last week on This is Us, William told Randall (Ron Cephas Jones, Sterling K. Brown) the story of his beginnings, and we see young William’s desire to find his birth family. Jack and Rebecca (Milo Ventimiglia, Mandy Moore) took William to karate as a child to have black male role models. The siblings went to their family cabin one last time. Kevin invited Olivia (Justin Hartley, Janet Montgomery), but that didn’t work out. Randall accidentally drank a mushroom-laced smoothie and he hallucinates Jack, who still is the best dad ever, allowing Randall to truly understand his mother.
Warning! Spoilers below.
This Is Us 1.10 “Last Christmas” review: “Nothing bad ever happens on Christmas Eve.” Uh-oh.
The Past: It’s Christmas 1989. Kate has a belly-ache. The boys are roughhousing and talking about money. Kate needs her appendix out. Kevin does not want to let go of her. He wants to pray. Rebecca sees Dr K (Gerald McRaney) there. He had a car accident and will die tonight… alone. They will be his family tonight. Rebecca: “Are you scared?” Randall spends his money to give him a gift. He buys him a snow globe, and Dr. K is touched. Something unexpected happens with this.
The Present: The play is canceled because Olivia disappeared. Sloane (Milana Vayntrub) tells Kevin he owes her – payment is as a date to Chanukah dinner – because she told her mother she was dating “The Manny.” Kevin agrees and then comes up with the idea of financing her play or the Chanukah story.
Kate is at the doctor discussing the gastric bypass surgery. Rebecca is very worried and answering questions wrong – realizing she doesn’t really know her daughter. “Did I do this?”
William is at a meeting talking about when he stopped taking drugs. “When a man knocked on my door one day, I was there to answer it.” He is grateful.
Denis O’Hare guests as a man at the meeting speaking up about how his love went away – William. He went back to drugs. They talk and he wants to spend William’s last days together.
Randall buys a boat. When he goes to unbuy it, Andy (boat guy) is about to kill himself. And Randall is trying to talk him out of it. You MUST watch this scene.
This is Us then puts on a Christmas episode with almost everyone we have ever met, and you feel like you are part of their family – tears and laughter complete with soundtrack. Everyone has canceled and then they all show up, even Toby (Chris Sullivan) who declares he “can’t live” without Kate.
There is a shocking cliffhanger for the fall finale.
What can I say? I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. The beautiful family holiday scene at the end, made the last moments all the more shocking.
This is Us returns in January on NBC.
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This Is Us 1×10 Promo “Last Christmas”
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