Episode 2.10 “Dirty Little Secret”
Written by Mary Laws
Directed by Steph Green
Created by Evan Goldberg, Seth Rogen
Starring Dominic Cooper, Joe Gilgun, Ruth Negga, Graham McTavish, Tom Brooke, Ian Colletti, Julie Ann Emery
Air date: Monday, August 21, 2017
Last week on AMC’s Preacher, The Grail narrowed in on Jesse Custer and his small band of heroes. Lara Featherstone (Julie Ann Emery) and Hoover (Malcolm Barrett) continue to surveil the trio from down the hall, while Herr Starr (Pip Torrens) cuts straight to the point, and meets Jesse face to face. Jesse (Dominic Cooper) has totally disconnected himself from Tulip (Ruth Negga), who continues to suffer from PTSD following her encounter with the Saint of Killers. Cassidy (Joseph Gilgun) is dealing with issues with having a freshly turned vampire son, as Denis (Ronald Guttman) gets accustomed to his newfound eternal life. This week, The Grail seeks to use Jesse to further their goals…
Spoilers for this week’s Preacher below:
On Twitter, show co-creator and executive producer Seth Rogen promised some special things for this week. Well, this episode (Episode 2.10 “”Dirty Little Secret”) opens with a hardcore sex scene featuring Jesus Christ”¦ yep. Somehow, this made it to TV”¦ I love this show. Jesus (All American Rejects lead singer Tyson Ritter) leaves a woman behind before heading off to, well, you know what happens to that guy.
Herr Starr is intrigued by Jesse’s power and both are looking for God. This leads to an uneasy partnership, where Jesse finds himself with a bag on his head, in a white van going for a ride. Tulip meanwhile is spiraling. More nightmares, Jesse is gone, and she’s breaking down in tears over breakfast at the sight of the slightest humanity from Lara. They share a delicious-looking breakfast and Tulip opens up about EVERYTHING, from Annville, to the Saint, to Genesis. I love Lara’s whole act here. The wig, buddying up to the wounded and desperate Tulip, then playing the “Cassidy’s cute” card. Based on these two weeks, it’s clear she’s the master manipulator of The Grail.
Jesse is taken to Grail headquarters for just your average everyday meeting with The Pope and The Archbishop of Canterbury. And guess what, no one knows where God is. Jesse finds out though, perhaps by accident, that “The Messiah” exists. Turns out, Christ impregnated that woman in his episode-opening tryst and now, his 25th great-grandson later resides in protective custody by The Grail.
Lara and Tulip take turns playing the episode’s titular song (by All American Rejects, wink wink), and Lara slips up, clueing Tulip in that something isn’t on the level. She calls for help, and just when Tulip is about to snap on her, Hoover (acting as phony drunken ex Rodney) comes screaming down the hallway. Together they beat him down, crisis averted, unless of course you’re Hoover and you have a concussion and broken rib.
Jesse finally meets the Messiah after a long journey on planes, train, and automobiles. He bows before the Christ Child”¦ before being peed on by a special needs adult Messiah that Starr calls Humperdoo. You cannot make this up! When Jesse angrily uses Genesis, the man child starts screaming and crying. This was certainly not what Jesse thought he’d find. Starr confesses he wanted to Jesse to see that, and has plans for him. God is gone, Jesse has Genesis, why keep searching for God when you can become Him? Back in the apartment, we uncover that Grail was mandated not to kill Tulip but rather ensure her and Jesse break up. That seems more likely when Tulip uncovers Jesse’s dirty little secret buried under a broken tile in the bathroom”¦ the weapons of the Saint of Killers.
Well, Seth Rogen was right on Twitter. I don’t know how they got this on TV, but thank goodness for AMC and this cast and crew for pulling it off. Preacher continues to be a jaw-dropping hour on television each and every week, and the addition of The Grail trio makes a perfect opponent for Jesse and his friends. Another standout week here for Julie Ann Emery and Pip Torrens, who are absolutely killing it as Lara and Starr. Torrens’ dry line reads and stone-faced reactions to absurd situations are fantastic and Emery’s guise as “Jenny” went toe to toe with Oscar nominee Ruth Negga. I cannot wait for next week!
Preacher returns to AMC next Monday night at 9:00.
Preacher: ‘We Could All Use A Break’ Sneak Peak Ep. 211
Jesse, Tulip, and Cassidy decide they need a vacation. Don’t miss the next episode of Preacher, Monday, August 28 at 9/8c.
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