Blood Drive
Season 1 Episode 11: “Rise of the Primo”
Created by James Roland
Directed by Gregg Simon
Written by Ben Wolf
Starring Alan Ritchson, Christina Ochoa, Thomas Dominique, Marama Corlett, Colin Cunningham, Andrew Hall, Darren Kent, Renee Castle
Air Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2017, 10pm
Welcome Bleeders to another recap installment of SYFY’s original series, Blood Drive. Last week, Arthur encountered a town near The Scar which appeared as a paradise. The problem was a mind-altering gas leak from The Scar turned the reality (post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with morlocks) into fantasy (quaint little old timey town where everyone is beautiful). Grace (Christina Ochoa) figured this out quick, but Arthur (Alan Ritchson) was under the spell. Soon, both were in danger of drowning in shit if not for an unlikely hero”¦ Slink (Colin Cunningham). Saving them from death was not a hero’s mission for him; he needed them back in the Blood Drive. Arthur and Grace finally came together. Meanwhile, Aki (Marama Corlett) and Christopher (Thomas Dominique) are finally on the same page and en route to save his old partner. How long will this “friendship” between Grace, Arthur, and Slink last? Let’s find out…
Check out my review below for this week’s episode of Blood Drive below:
It’s Final Race Day, and Grace and Arthur are super adorbs getting to know each other in the Camaro”¦ and then we remember Slink is there. Slink has plans to put on the greatest show on whatever is left of the planet. Unfortunately, Old Man Heart (Sean Cameron Michael) informs him it’ll be the last greatest show on the planet since they’re cancelling Blood Drive and entertainment in general.
Meanwhile, blood portals”¦ aka “space vaginas,” open up introducing worldwide Blood Drivers and some old favorites like serial-killing couple, Cliff (Craig Jackson) and Domi (Jenny Stead). An Aki-bot welcomes everyone to Battle Dome and calls out names for the first event. Arthur gets grouped with some truly amazing names such as Face Eater, Fist F*cker, Abbie the Nun, and my personal favorite His Honorable Sir Benjamin ****licker III. That could in fact be the name of my next child”¦ What’s wrong with me?
Two of my favorite couples on TV already appeared, it’s time for number 3. Christopher realizes a job done without Aki is no fun at all, so he picks her back up to go straight at Heart. Their dialogue with each other is so cute. They take down a few guards, and as Aki works, Chris uncovers the Soul Reclamator”¦ that’ll be important later. It is baffling that a grindhouse series full of blood and gore can produce three of the best relationships on TV. God I wish I can transport any of them back to the mid 90s so they can kill and eat Ross and Rachel.
Arthur survives Round 1, his plan not to kill in tact. When he grandstands in front of Heart execs, Old Man Heart gives him the ultimatum: kill or watch Grace die. Grace has had enough and wants to know what Heart’s obsession with her is. Turns out the truth is lying just under the skin”¦ literally as OMH strips off his skin in gruesomely slow fashion to reveal”¦ Karma! Holy BLEEPING shit! I’m with Grace, I did NOT see that coming. Alex McGregor looks amazing covered in blood in her underwear with shredded skin at her feet”¦ what’s wrong with me???
Cliff and Domi have an amazing moment”¦ all I’ll say is I legit cried during Blood Drive. Seriously”¦ what is wrong with me?!?! Karma and Grace come to blows and the result triggers Arthur to madness. Watching Arthur Bailey, the most straight-laced goody-two-shoes ever go blood-crazy with an axe”¦ pretty frickin’ epic.
Somehow, someway the cast, crew, and team behind Blood Drive up their game week in week out. This was my favorite episode of the year, featuring all the great characters in a battle royal of insane depravity. In 57 minutes I laughed out loud, cried (also out loud), and sat there with my mouth agape from surprise halfway through a commercial break. This was event TV in its finest with a climax that leads me wondering what creator James Roland and his team can possibly do to top this two more times.
I find it quite ironic that fans of this series adopted the nickname Bleeders. Sure it goes along with the obvious use of Evil Dead quantities of blood spilled. But in a way this show really hits straight to the heart. What attracted me to this show was its style and presentation, an homage to packed video store horror shelves and trashy grindhouse filmmaking. It reminds me of why I fell in love with the horror genre at age 5 and never looked back. It’s all the blood, gore, sex, writing, and characters horror fans grew up with, with none of the pretentiousness that exists on other cable horror shows.
My Blood Drive MVP this week is Alex McGregor for making my jaw drop, and for looking amazing drenched in all sorts of viscous liquids. Make sure to support the show on social media with the hashtag #renewBloodDrive and tune in next Wednesday night at 10:00 for a new episode only on SYFY.
PS: One of the hilarious commercials that ran during the broadcast was for Blood Drive action figures. The holidays are only a few months away”¦ please and thank you.
BLOOD DRIVE | Season 1, Episode 11: Sneak Peek | SYFY
On Blood Drive Season 1, Episode 11: Arthur and Grace look forward to being done with Slink once and for all but Slink may have other plans…
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I need those figures!! Or at least Grace’s car with a pop-open hood.
Comment by Dex — August 25, 2017 @ 10:09 am