![Penny Dreadful: The Awakening #5 header Penny Dreadful: The Awakening #5 header](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2017/09/penny-dreadful-awakening-5-header-530x307.jpg?resize=530%2C307&ssl=1)
Penny Dreadful: The Awakening #5
Written by Chris King
Art by Jesus Hervas
Colors by Jason Wordie
Letters by Rob Steen
Titan Comics
Release Date: September 6, 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
In Penny Dreadful: The Awakening #5, it’s Hell on Earth, quite literally. In this brand new story arc, we watch as our dutiful protectors are vanquished, forcing them to retreat and formulate new plans to defeat the evil that has taken root in the body of one of humanity’s strongest defenders. I am a latecomer to this franchise, but I have quickly learned that it is a gloriously built world with a rich and inviting concept.
The devil walks amongst us and not everyone seems to understand what their role will be in this apocalypse of biblical proportions. There are, luckily, groups that have been lying in wait for their time to come and wage war on this most unholy one and his minions. A dim beacon of light they may be, but a beacon nonetheless. The scattered heroes begin to do what they do best and marshal their forces as quickly as they can. Will it be enough to defeat Lucifer himself? Only time will tell!
I loved the storyline, but I struggled with this issue. The artwork was not up to standard and it caused no small amount of confusion when trying to identify key characters in panels. Hopefully, this series will continue on with the powerful plot and the illustrations will catch up sooner, rather than later. Diehard fans will want this, but newcomers may be turned off by the art. Personally, I am up for the challenge. Are you?
The worst has come to pass. Lucifer has risen and Sir Malcolm is dead. As the ultimate Evil gathers his troops, Catriona Hartdegen, the only one left to fight, takes on the forces of darkness surrounding her, with nothing but righteous fury in her heart.
With the Master of Hell abroad once more, no one is safe, as Dorian Grey will learn. His past has caught up with him and he is about to find that whatever loyalty he possesses will be sorely tested. Ethan, the Wolf of God, is also confronted with his fast-approaching destiny, but first he must come face to face with the woman he once knew and loved…
![Penny Dreadful: The Awakening #5 Penny Dreadful: The Awakening #5]()
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