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Penny Dreadful #1
Story by Krysty Wilson-Cairns, Andrew Hinderaker, and Chris King
Written by Krysty Wilson-Cairns
Art by Louie De Martinis
Letters by Simon Bowland
Cover A: Guillem March
Cover B: Ben Templesmith
Cover C: Louie De Martinis
Cover D: “‹Photo cover by “‹Martin Stiff
Cover E: “‹Photo cover “‹by Cat Connery
Titan Comics
Release Date: May 11, 2016
Cover Price: $3.99
I’ve never seen the Showtime series of the same name, but if it’s anything like Penny Dreadful #1 then I’m going to have to track the first episodes down and subscribe to it immediately. Truth be told, I never knew it had anything to do with the gothic novels of yesteryear; that alone is enough to get me interested. Additionally, after having read this wicked little piece of sequential art, I am fully prepared to indulge myself with this franchise. Why, you ask? Keep reading and I’ll tell you.
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