| Must See: How Showtime’s ‘Kidding’ Pulled Off Incredible One-Shot Scene (Video)![space](https://www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/spacer.gif) |
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![Showtime's Kidding Kidding](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2018/10/kidding-showtime-530x316.jpg?resize=530%2C316&ssl=1)
When it comes to one-shot takes on television, it’s hard to top that famous scene from HBO’s True Detective. But the new Showtime series Kidding, which was just given a season two, delivered an impressive one recently that really has to be seen if you haven’t already. The scene shows a woman (played by Riki Lindhome) transforming her life over an extended period of time after being inspired by the show within Kidding, “Mr. Pickles’ Puppet Time,” which is hosted by star Jim Carrey. The shot, which runs a little under two minutes, all takes place in a small apartment with the camera panning around as we see her life changing. It’s awesome to see on its own, but becomes truly incredible when you see how they pulled it off. As the camera pans the room the crew quickly moves in behind it to change the set, while actors move in and out including Lindhome, who also has multiple wardrobe changes to pull off while making her way to each next shot she’s in. You can see how it went in the video below, which shows the scene next to the cast and crew pulling it off.
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| ‘Halo’ TV Series On The Way At Showtime![Halo 5: Guardians Halo 5: Guardians]()
Halo is one of those video game franchises that is ripe for a big or small screen adaptation. Peter Jackson and Neill Blomkamp had made attempts to make the former happen. Although, it “ended up collapsing,” and as a result, the film was put on an indefinite hold. But now the game is respawning for the small screen at Showtime. According to new reports, a Halo TV show has found its showrunner and will start filming in 2019. More on the story below.
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| Comic Spotlight: Penny Dreadful Volume 1 TPB![Penny Dreadful Volume 1 TPB header Penny Dreadful Volume 1 TPB header]()
Penny Dreadful Volume 1 TPB
Written by Krysty Wilson-Cairns & Chris King
Art by Louie De Martinis
Letters by Simon Bowland
Titan Comics
Release Date: March 1, 2017
Cover Price: $14.99 (Digital) Last year, I reviewed a new comic that was the beginning of a prequel story to the Penny Dreadful Showtime series. I also mentioned that I had yet to see any of the series, but that initial issue piqued my interest. Well, here we are several months later and I have binge-watched the entire TV series. Suffice to say, I loved it and was extremely happy to see Penny Dreadful Volume 1 TPB in my inbox last week.
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| ‘Twin Peaks’ Revival: Massive 217-Name Cast Revealed![Twin Peaks Showtime Twin Peaks Showtime]()
Fear not, the revival of David Lynch and Mark Frost‘s ’90s mystery drama Twin Peaks we first heard about back in 2014 is still on its way to Showtime. We just have to wait until next year instead of getting it sometime this year as originally planned. To help fans pass the time, the official cast has been revealed. That might not sound like something that would pass any time, but you’ve not yet seen the list. It clocks in at over 200 names, many of which are familiar—some returning stars reprising their roles, which are marked with an asterisk; others just familiar names from different places such as actors like Amanda Seyfried, Tim Roth, Monica Bellucci, and Michael Cera, musicians Trent Reznor and Eddie Vedder, and even MMA star Michael Bisping, just to give you a small sampling. You can check out the full list below.
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