Back in 2015 Disney announced a new animated project titled Gigantic. The movie was to be based on the Jack and the Beanstalk fairy tale, and had Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur, and Captain Marvel writer Meg LeFauve and Nathan Greno (Tangled) attached to direct. It even had a 2020 release date locked in.
But while Disney has a strong track record of releasing hit movies, sometimes the things they’re developing don’t work out the way they hoped. And with that, sadly, it’s been revealed that Disney has decided to shut down development on Gigantic.
Of the decision, Walt Disney and Pixar Animation Studios president Ed Catmull said:
“It’s impossible to know when we begin a project how the creative process will unfold, and sometimes, no matter how much we love an idea or how much heart goes into it, we find that it just isn’t working. With Gigantic, we’ve come to that point, and although it’s a difficult decision, we are ending active development for now. We are focusing our energies on another project that has been in the works, which we’ll be sharing more about soon, now set for Thanksgiving 2020.”
For those of you unfamiliar with Gigantic, here’s a brief description of what the movie was aiming to be:
Set in Spain during the Age of Exploration, Disney’s “Gigantic” follows adventure-seeker Jack as he discovers a world of giants hidden within the clouds. He hatches a grand plan with Inma, a 60-foot-tall, 11-year-old girl, and agrees to help her find her way home. But he doesn’t account for her super-sized personality””and who knew giants were so down to earth?
This of course doesn’t necessarily mean that those most excited to see Gigantic will never get that chance. As Catmull said above, they’re ending development “for now.” There’s always that possibility that someone will come up with something that does work for what they want to do, and perhaps then it will be resurrected.
We’ll just have to wait a lot longer than three years to see it if it ever happens.
[Source: Heat Vision]
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