KISS/Army of Darkness #1
Written by Chad Bowers and Chris Sims
Art by Ruairi Coleman
Colors by Timothy C. Brown
Letters by Troy Peteri
Covers by Kyle Strahm and Greg Smallwood, Ken Haeser, Buz Hasson, and Blair Smith, Goni Montes
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: February 28, 2018
Cover Price: $3.99
You just cannot go wrong with a story about KISS, you know? But like peanut butter and chocolate, some things are even better with a pairing. This holds especially true in KISS/Army of Darkness #1. Entrusted with the power of The Destroyer, our fearsome foursome uses their power to protect mankind, rather than for destruction.
Starting off in 1979, at the height of their power, KISS finds themselves in a bit of a pickle. They have long fought the disciples of The Destroyer, but this time things are a little different. Caught off guard, our heroes find themselves at a disadvantage.
Two years and many questions later, we find that the world’s greatest rock band has been missing since that night and a certain scholar has been looking for help the entire time. No sooner does she find the one she sought than the Disciples return to finish what they started! But this time, they may not realize what they started. The final page is a bit of a whopper, so be prepared!
Fun and fast paced, I thoroughly enjoyed this first issue. Not much is given away regarding the overall plot, but the build up is worth the read. The creative team here balances the story and art perfectly, allowing both to shine. If you are a fan of KISS or Army of Darkness, then this one will appeal to you.
Now, go rock and roll all night but be sure to leave your boomstick at home!
KISS is on top of the world and rocking faces until the night disciples of The Destroyer show up and the band disappears. With the tour canceled, a young Ash misses one of the most important events of his life that will change his destiny.
Now the Chosen One has to get back on the right path and join the KISS ARMY OF DARKNESS!

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