![Raising Kratos God of War Documentary Raising Kratos]()
As part of the one year anniversary celebration of the God of War reboot’s arrival, a trailer has been released for a feature-length documentary titled Raising Kratos.
The doc follows the lengthy road director Cory Barlog, seen in the image above, and his team at developer Santa Monica Studio traveled in crafting this re-invention of the beloved game franchise.
You can find much more info on Raising Kratos and check out the trailer below.
Here’s what Scott Rohde, the Game Development Head over at Worldwide Studios, America, had to say about the documentary:
“Doubt is the demon that lives in the ear of every person in this industry”¦” “” Cory Barlog
It’s only fitting on the one-year Anniversary, we’re excited to share this peak behind the curtain of God of War’s very own Santa Monica Studio with a trailer for our upcoming film, Raising Kratos. This full-length feature documentary, coming very soon to PlayStation YouTube, is an exploration into the massive undertaking it took to change the course of the God of War franchise.
More importantly, this is the first time PlayStation took a chance in telling a story about the “˜People’ who created this work of art. After nearly three years in production, and 400 hours of footage, please follow this cinematic journey of second chances rooted in family, sacrifice, struggle, and doubt.
The ultimate goal was to go beyond a “˜making of’ piece and dig deeper into the experiences of those who spend relentless time and effort into making something great. All creative endeavors, especially those of this magnitude, require an incredible amount of dedication and focus that constantly toe the fine line that separates both success and failure. The hope is that once people see the experience of Santa Monica Studio unfold on the screen, they will recognize the undying passion for their work and the incredible respect they have for their craft. For God of War specifically, the fans have shown a great deal of love and loyalty which has earned them an everlasting seat at the Santa Monica Studio family table.
We are extremely proud to share this window into a very long journey with those who celebrate God of War as much as we do, as well as those who will discover us soon.
Rohde shared these words over at the PlayStation Blog, where you can also find a few images if interested.
For anyone who hasn’t played God of War yet, it’s available in a Standard Edition, a Collector’s Edition, or a Stone Mason’s Edition for PS4.
Click right here for trailers, gameplay, and more.
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