In light of the news today that Abbey Road Crossing was designated a landmark, I thought it’d be great to share this T-shirt design over at Threadless called Cantina Walk.
The design, by artist iceknyght, shows Mos Eisley Cantina band Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes from the first Star Wars film replicating the icon Abbey Road Crossing photo from The Beatles‘ Abbey Road album.
The t-shirt is not yet for sale. Instead, Threadless is asking people to vote for the design. If enough people want it, they’ll sell, so be sure to head over to the site and vote for it! Go to the top right side of the page, where it says “I’d buy it…” and there’s two boxes you can check off underneath: “as a tee!” and “as a print!” As of right now, there’s 5 more days left before the voting ends, so be sure to make it over there and cast your vote!
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