Interns of F.I.E.L.D.
Season 1 Episode 1: “Villains”
Directed by Tim Baldini
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Andy Signore & Ian Weinreich
Starring Benita Robledo, Jonathan Lipnicki, Joe Burke, Dayton Sinkia, Scott Beehner, Barak Hardley, Joe Hartzler, Madeline Walter, Dan Hartley, Jamie Kennedy
Screen Junkies
Air Date: Monday, January 25th, 2016, 10:00pm
Whether you go to their channel for the Honest Trailers, the Movie Fights, or just to enjoy geeks geeking out about movies, Screen Junkies have developed quite the brand on YouTube. With over 5.1 million subscribers, countless shows on their channel, and now the newly expanded Screen Junkies Plus; it was only a matter of time before the crew developed their own original series, and here it is… Interns of F.I.E.L.D.
Check out the entire 1st episode (only 17-minutes!), character descriptions, and synopsis below.
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