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Watch Screen Junkies Interns of F.I.E.L.D. 1.1: “Villains” Here!
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Interns of F.I.E.L.D.
Season 1 Episode 1: “Villains”
Directed by Tim Baldini
Written by Spencer Gilbert, Dan Murrell, Andy Signore & Ian Weinreich
Starring Benita Robledo, Jonathan Lipnicki, Joe Burke, Dayton Sinkia, Scott Beehner, Barak Hardley, Joe Hartzler, Madeline Walter, Dan Hartley, Jamie Kennedy
Screen Junkies
Air Date: Monday, January 25th, 2016, 10:00pm

Whether you go to their channel for the Honest Trailers, the Movie Fights, or just to enjoy geeks geeking out about movies, Screen Junkies have developed quite the brand on YouTube. With over 5.1 million subscribers, countless shows on their channel, and now the newly expanded Screen Junkies Plus; it was only a matter of time before the crew developed their own original series, and here it is… Interns of F.I.E.L.D.

Check out the entire 1st episode (only 17-minutes!), character descriptions, and synopsis below.

We jump right into the battle between Sgt. America and Black Skull. It’s total spoof city, with vague energy orbs and puns a plenty, “Great party, I enjoyed the”¦ punch.” But the show isn’t about the heroes, the villains, or any of the cool fights. It’s about the cleanup crew who comes in after… the interns. “Remember interns, F.I.E.L.D. was never here, the orb was never stolen, and if anyone asks you’re the Department of Agriculture.” Unfortunately for the blonde girl, she tries cleaning up a grenade with explosive results.

Skyler (Benita Robledo) is the young idealistic intern in to replace the now deceased Jan and she’s introduced to the team; the obnoxious rich guy’s son Chaz (Jonathan Lipnicki), the foreign exchange intern Obi (“he’s the diversity one”), and the giant nerd Fish (Joe Burke). Their next assignment, watch the captured Black Skull (Jamie Kennedy).

The show mocks and spoofs all the MCU/Marvel issues, the budget goes to getting more heli-carriers since all they do is fall out the sky (HAHA). I love how the goons (henchmen they prefer) have a union and get paid, but the Interns don’t. Of course, being loser interns, they get easily defeated by Skull and his goon and they even mock his “Throwback Thursday” evil plan involving a dynamite countdown… cue the evil laugh!

In only 17 minutes total, Interns of F.I.E.L.D was as good a spoof of modern mainstream cinema as the horrible Wayans Brothers movies, and they take 80-90 minutes and cost over $10 a ticket. There were some great puns, pretty good special effects, and the dialogue had me chuckling.

Stay tuned to Screen Junkies Plus on YouTube for more episodes.

Episode synopsis:

Working at a top secret world-saving agency, as the superheroes’ assistants’ assistants, isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, especially when newcomer Skyler Murphy learns that F.I.E.L.D.’s super-villains kinda suck.

A Message from the Creators (Spencer, Dan & Andy):

To all of the amazingly loyal ScreenJunkies out there – it’s a dream come true for us to create, and present a show of this scale, and we couldn’t have done it without all of your amazing support over the years. We set out to take the tone you’ve come to love from “Honest Trailers”, and adapt it into a narrative world of our own, that could also parody the superhero properties you know and love (we’re looking at you: “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D”). We are immensely proud of this series, and grateful to our wonderful cast & crew who all worked tirelessly to help us get it to you. We learned a lot! And we truly hope you enjoy it, so we can unite together to invest in even more premium content like this, from more creators and filmmakers that you love. Thank you all! And #InternsAssemble !!

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Interns of F.I.E.L.D. – Episode 1: “Villains”

ScreenJunkies! We are so excited to present the pilot episode to our first scripted original series: Interns of F.I.E.L.D. !

Character Bios

Benita Robledo – SKYLER (INTERN)

Over”achiever with her sights set on a full”time position. She likes everything to go by the book and according to plan. Athletic and pretty but aesexual, she’s only there to work.

Jonathan Lipnicki “” CHAZ (INTERN)

The boss’ son. No work ethic but thinks of himself as the natural leader of the interns. He’s only spurred into action when his ego is threatened. Smart ass but has potential.

Dayton Sinkia – OBI (INTERN)

The exchange student on loan from a foreign agency. He’s an outsider who can call out the absurdities of the superhero world that we take for granted. Will drop hints throughout the season that he’s working for the enemy organization SPYDRA

Joe Burke “” FISH (INTERN)

Hyperactive fanboy who’s lost touch with the real world. The kind of guy who would sleep on the sidewalk for 3 days to get into Comic”Con.

Scott Beehner “” CARSON (AGENT)

Once an intern himself, Carson has earned the prestigious title of “Intern Supervisor.” Frustrated by his lack of advancement and respect within the company, he’s their world”weary boss stuck in a dead”end job.

Jamie Kennedy “” BLACK SKULL

Loosely based on Captain America’s arch”nemesis Red Skull, he’s the crazed result of secret Nazi experimentation. Beyond that, however, he’s the show’s mouthpiece for how derivative, one”dimensional, and formulaic Marvel’s movie villains have become. Everyone at F.I.E.L.D. is one step ahead of his plans because just like the audience, they’ve seen it all before.

Barak Hardley – GOON

F.I.E.L.D.’s prisoner after being captured in an explosive shoot out, Black Skull’s hired goon tries to talk our interns into joining the world of for”profit villainy. While they slave away at their unpaid internship, he’s got the best gig in the world: Bagel Tuesdays, Casual Fridays, overtime, the works. The goon is proof that if you do what you love, you’ll never work another day in your life.

Casper Van Dien “” HAWK GUY

Hawk. Guy. (it’s important to put the pause in there so it’s not confused with Hawkeye…) is the least capable, least necessary member of the Revengers. He talks a big game but deep down inside, he knows he’s useless compared to his colleagues with actual superpowers. Things will get tense when Hawk Guy learns that F.I.E.L.D. is holding auditions for his replacement right down the hall…

Marco James “” NEW FISH (INTERN)

When the nerdiest intern Noah Fish is fired, F.I.E.L.D. Takes the opportunity to “reboot” him as an edgier, more handsome, street smart employee with stronger millennial appeal. New Fish will start out as a welcome change to Old Fish’s over”eager nerdery, but by the end of the day, he’ll rub all the interns the wrong way with his focus”grouped hipster personality.


  1. Sorry. I watched Interns of F.I.E.L.D. and it sucks. It’s meant to be funny but sadly, it isn’t. They should have given the money they made that to a charity instead.

    Comment by Bryan — January 24, 2016 @ 11:46 pm

  2. This is clearly a plant. The writer is either a friend of someone at Screen Junkies, or is kissing butt to get in good with them. VGHS this show aint. And VGHS could be pretty stupid at times…

    Comment by Mysterious Stranger — January 25, 2016 @ 8:23 pm

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