Stone Cold
Blu-ray | DVD
Director: Craig R. Baxley
Screenwriter: Walter Doniger
Cast: Brian Bosworth, Lance Henriksen, William Forsythe, Sam McMurray, Arabella Holzbog, Richard Gant, Tom Magee
Columbia Pictures | Olive Films
Rated R | 83 Minutes
Release Date: June 23, 2015
“God forgives, the Brotherhood doesn’t.”
Point Break, Lionheart, The Last Boy Scout, Double Impact – 1991 was a hell of a year for action movies. Joining those immortal classics is Craig R. Baxley‘s Stone Cold, starring former Seattle Seahawks linebacker Brian Bosworth.
“The Boz” plays Joe Huff, a bad-ass Alabama cop with his own brand of justice. While on suspension for insubordination, Joe is recruited by the FBI to go undercover and infiltrate a Mississippi white supremacist biker gang known as The Brotherhood. Gaining the trust of The Brotherhood’s barbaric leader, Chains Cooper (Lance Henriksen, Aliens), won’t be easy. But Joe Huff doesn’t do “easy.”
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