The latest cinematic adventure of Riddick, the vicious yet resourceful criminal anti-hero played by Vin Diesel who first appeared in the 2000 sci-fi thriller Pitch Black and later returned in his own big-budget adventure The Chronicles of Riddick in 2004, has slowly been gaining momentum since it was first announced nearly two years ago. We previously reported on the new film, which will be simply titled Riddick, HERE and HERE . Today Diesel has released a piece of concept art on his Facebook page. You can check out the full image below this article.
The independently-financed film will reportedly discard the elaborate mythology that Diesel and writer-director David Twohy were initially developing for Riddick to explore and take the character back to basics, putting him into a struggle for survival on a hostile alien planet that will make every other battle he has fought in his life seem like a prelude. Riddick finds himself pitted against otherworldly beasts and mercenaries out for his blood. The project has an undetermined 2012 release date.
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