For those of us simply can’t get enough Sharknado, fear not! The third installment of the somehow someway mega SyFy channel hit is coming this summer. And with it is coming the first Sharknado comic-crossover, Archie Vs. Sharknado! That’s right, one of America’s longest running comic characters is meeting up with”¦ flying sharks.
Archie, who first debuted during WWII (!!!) has found new life in crossover comics with some highly unlikely characters. Back in 2011, we got Archie Meets Kiss, and in 2013 Archie crossed the cultural zeitgeist in Archie Meets Glee. For those wondering if Archie can handle the danger”¦ Archie Vs. Predator came out this week. Now, as the killer weather formation moves down the east coast towards Washington DC (with President Marc Cuban and VP Ann Coulter), it will hit Archie’s fictional city of Riverdale. Maybe Ian Ziering and David Hasselhoff can help Archie, Betty, Veronica and the gang.
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