Iron Man Manual
Written by Daniel Wallace
Insight Editions
Release Date: November 19, 2013
Iron Man. Tony Stark. Ten years ago these names weren’t nearly as well known as they are today. Marvel was always proud of their Iron Man comic franchise but as with most comic characters, only the readers had the whole scoop. And then came the movies. Now these are household names, the movies are cinematic blockbusters and you cannot help but see Robert Downey, Jr. as the face of old Shell Head. The films did more for the name than the four decades of comics prior, I enjoy them and think they cast Tony perfectly. To celebrate this trilogy of action packed films, Marvel and Insight Editions produced this Iron Man Manual. A beautifully bound book with so much going for it that it’s sure to be a hit!
That said, I am profoundly disappointed that no one saw fit to include anything from the comics. I’m not kidding. Not a single piece from any Iron Man comic is in this. There is a comic cover shown at the beginning of the book, but it’s a Captain America cover! Seriously? This should have more fittingly been called the Iron Man Movie Manual, because that’s what it is. Every single page, every insert, every thought is based on the films. What a huge let down this was for me. Comic fans will open this up and feel the same shock I did, of this I have no doubt. But now that I have that off my chest, let me review what is actually in there, okay? I’ve vented and feel a little better.
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