| Comic Review: Ignition, Vol. 1 |
Ignition Vol. 1
Written by Various
Penciled by Various
Colors by Various
Edited by Andrew DelQuadro
215 Ink
Release Date: Available for Pre-Order
Cover Price: $29.99 So, there’s a review in here, promise, and it’s going to be about the new collection from 215ink called Ignition Vol. 1. The lede is just, as people who call writing a profession say, buried. First, I need a moment to qualify what I mean and give a frame of reference. So, sorry, but: you can always circumvent that by skipping to the end if you’d like. There’s been something of a renaissance of creator owned content lately, with a bevy of titles being announced from creators like Grant Morrison, Steve Niles, Brian K Vaughan, and other industry heavyweights. Although artistic control has been a high profile issue in the comics world at least since the early 90s -what with the Creator’s Bill of Rights in 1988, and the creation of Image Comics in 1992- the past calendar year has seemed like something of a watershed moment for the publicity and frequency of creator owned projects. Every major publisher, I believe, has an imprint dedicated to these projects, and the whole thing smacks of a cash-in. That sounds cynical.
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Tags: 215 Ink, Ace Continuado, Adam O. Pruett, Adrian Slbar, Allen Byrns, Andreas Hedstrom, Andrew DelQuadro, Ben Holliday, Carl Yoner, Carry McLaughlin, Chris Horan, Curt Pires, Damien Worm, Daniel McCloskey, Dario Reyes, David Disspain, David Seltzer, Diego Martinez, Dominic Vivona, E.T. Dollman, Gabo, Ger Curti, Glenn Arseneau, Grant Perkins, Henrik Horvath, Ian Daffem, James Orbesen, Jerome Eyquem, Johny Zito, Jon Vinson, Jorge Fornes, Julie Shelton, Justin McElroy, Karl Slominiski, Keiren Smith, Kel Nuttall, Kurt Blcher, Lara Maruca, Leo Penha, Magnus, Magnus Aspli, Marco Roblin, Mario Candelaria, Mark Bertolini, Marta Tanrikulu, Michael McDermott, Michelle Silva, Mike Perkins, Navid Newbold, Nicola Scott, Noel Tuazon, Peebo Mondia, Rafer Roberts, Rob Harrington, Rolf Lejdegard, Sahri Chankhamma, Scott R. Schmidt, Sean Fahey, Shawn Alderidge, Steve Orlando, Tauriq Moosa, Tom Alexander, Toy Trov, Veronica Smith, Victor Santo, Vladimir Popov, Walter Rodriguez, Wilfredo S. Duran, Will Perkins, Zane DeGaine | |
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| Comic Review: The Cast Of Doctor Who |
By cGt2099
| May 18th, 2012 at 1:21 pm |
The Cast Of Doctor Who
Written by Paul J. Slamoff
Art by Jaime Martinez Rodriguez
Colors by Dario Reyes
Cover Art by Joe Phillips
Bluewater Comics
Release Date: March 14, 2012
Cover Price: $3.99 Bluewater’s unauthorized The Cast Of Doctor Who takes a glance into the backgrounds of a few of the actors who have taken on the role of The Doctor through the years. Without a standard comic storyline, the book serves more as an introduction to the series, specifically designed for newer fans that are interested about the Classic Doctor Who series. The comic book oddly only looks at four official Doctors (plus a fifth outside canon which we will get to later). I’m guessing this limited examination was restricted based on space available for the publication of the comic. Overall, the comic examines William Hartnell as the First Doctor, Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, Paul McGann as the Eighth Doctor, and Matt Smith as the current Eleventh Doctor.
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