| ‘Godzilla, King Of The Monsters 3-D’: The U.S. Godzilla Movie That Was Never Made |

It’s taken decades for Japan’s time-honored kaiju genre of cinema to properly invade American shores, but with Guillermo del Toro’s futuristic fantasy epic Pacific Rim set to tear the box office limb from limb in July and Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla movie tentatively set for next May the thirst for giant monsters and robots consuming mass quantities of wanton destruction has rarely been greater. Next year’s Godzilla adventure won’t be the first time the scaly radioactive giant lizard first immortalized in 1954’s Gojira (released here two years later as Godzilla: King of the Monsters) has undergone the Hollywood blockbuster treatment…unless you choose to not acknowledge Roland Emmerich’s stillborn 1998 attempt as many of us have already done. The first major attempt to make an American Godzilla movie took place in the early 1980’s, and had it happened it would have united some of the greatest artists in the fields of feature film special effects, make-up, and conceptual art that the world of fantastic cinema ever birthed into popular culture. In 1982 Steve Miner, best known as the director of Friday the 13th Parts II and III and Halloween: H20, made a deal with Godzilla’s home studio Toho to bring the big G to the U.S. in a grand-scale motion picture as befitting a creature of his stature and cultural impact: Godzilla, King of the Monsters 3-D!
...continue reading » Tags: David Allen, Fred Dekker, Gareth Edwards, Godzilla, Guillermo del Toro, Jim Danforth, King Of The Monsters 3-D, Pacific Rim, Rick Baker, Steve Miner, Toho, William Stout | |
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| Skull-Face Island: Episode 21: Killing Them Softly |

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Call Us: 980-272-0111 Hello There! This is Adam Frazier and you are listening to Skull-Face Island, the official movie podcast of Geeks of Doom! As always I’m joined by Joe Wright’s Secret Lover, David Allen… and the Daniel Plainview to my H.W., producer Tim Grant. Today on the Show: We’ll discuss Andrew Dominik‘s latest film, Killing Them Softly, and boot-up the Geek-O-Matic TeleFax, which is currently malfunctioning and appears to be print out headlines… FROM THE FUTURE! We’ll also play WHO AM I!? Each of us has a card slapped on our foreheads. On that card is the name of an actor or director – we have no knowledge of who is on this card – and we will be forced to ask questions in order to solve the mystery of… WHO AM I? As always, the Mystic Spinner will decide who goes first…
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| Skull-Face Island: Episode 20: Anna Karenina
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Call Us: 980-272-0111 Hello There! This is Adam Frazier and you are listening to Skull-Face Island, the official movie podcast of Geeks of Doom! As always I’m joined by Rosencrantz to my Guildenstern, David Allen… and the love child of Tolstoy and Bob Newhart, producer Tim Grant. Today on the Show: We will discuss Joe Wright‘s Anna Karenina. We will also get into some headlines from the Geek-O-Matic Telefax about Star Wars, Guillermo Del Toro‘s highly anticipated Pacific Rim, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and some casting news about a forthcoming Marvin Gaye biopic. We will also read your suggestions for the subtitle of Star Wars: Episode VII.
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