![The Spy Who Dumped Me Blu-ray review The Spy Who Dumped Me review]()
The Spy Who Dumped Me
Blu-ray | DVD | 4K
Directed by Susanna Fogel
Written by Susanna Fogel, David Iserson
Starring Mila Kunis, Kate McKinnon, Sam Heughan, Justin Theroux, Hasan Minhaj, Lolly Adefope, Dustin Demri-Burns, Gillian Anderson
Lionsgate Films
Rated R | 117 minutes
Release Date: October 30, 2018
It’s Audrey’s (Mila Kunis) 30th birthday and everybody keeps asking her about her ex Drew (Justin Theroux), which after a myriad of mixed emotions, causes her to set his things on fire, with the help of aggressive nudging from her best friend Morgan (Kate McKinnon). Drew is very busy of course being almost killed in Lithuania almost 100 times.
Enter Sebastian (my #1 boyfriend Sam Heughan), who lures Audrey outside and into a van to tell her about Drew’s secret life as a CIA agent. Everybody is looking for this trophy which needs to get to Austria to “Verne” by tomorrow. Drew shows up, there’s a shootout, and he dies.
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